people with house chickens

OMG! It's a wonder how our pets survive so long with all the mistakes we make with them! I had a Silkie that I thought was molting because her scalp was bald but then I noticed her walnut comb was disfigured/chewed. I wasn't aware that a bully Marans was roosting next to her and chewing her up - I felt so guilty not noticing or understanding what was going on but that Marans was re-homed immediately when we saw her terroring the new Silkie too!

This is the Silkie at 6-mos-old and still had her crest/comb because we didn't have the Cuckoo Marans yet

About 3 months later after we got the Marans the Silkie started missing her crest and tail and body fluff but I still didn't realize she was being chewed by the roosting Marans! I thought the poor little dear was molting and never saw her comb under her crest before so didn't realize that the comb was misshaped too - I could kick myself for not knowing it was the nasty Marans doing all this damage!!! Only God's Grace saved this little girl since I was such a stupid owner!

This was the final result of the damage done by the Cuckoo Marans who also decided to outright viciously attack a new Silkie pullet we had added - who also had a few crest and body feathers missing too. That was my "aha" moment to realized the bully Marans was terrorizing BOTH Silkies! I hate Marans so much that I will never have another one in my yard as long as I live. I had a White Leghorn with my Silkies and Leghorns are supposed to be cannibalistic yet I have never seen anything as vicious as that Cuckoo Marans. Our friends re-homed their Black Copper Marans as well because they were aggressive with their flockmates too.

A vet could've easily fixed PJ's leg. Probably still could with surgery. My DD spent $5000 saving her dog. I wouldn't do it but then DD never had children and her pets are her babies and she can't help feeling responsible for an animal in her care. There's a breeder who has a chicken that lost a wing in an injury and she keeps her in-house because outdoors if she loses her balance she can't get up again and the roos take advantage mating her because she can't fight back. It's a lot of responsibility having a pet indoors but a disabled pet really takes a lot more work. GL with PJ! She is really sweet.
That poor baby!!! Chickens remind me a lot of teenagers lol. They can be so mean to each other!! Everyone seems to like marans for some reason, but they really don't do anything for me lol, especially if they are mean.

I wish that I had money to afford surgery for PJs but I'm sure that would be several hundred bucks, and I don't even know of any vets around here that would work on a bird. I am all about taking care of my animals, but sometimes my pocketbook does not cooperate. I have a son who is autistic and between all his doctor visits and medicine and stuff, he eats up most our extra money. I know vets have to make a living, but sometimes I wish they had a sliding scale lol, that would be amazing. I looked up avian vets and the nearest one is in dallas which is 2.5 hours away and being in dallas I'm sure they are high priced..... sigh. We used to have a good ol country vet down the road that worked on all manner of farm animals, for cheap too, but she has retired sadly.

I don't really know what else to do other than keep her safe, happy, and as comfortable as possible. I mean i guess it could be worse, she could have lived with someone who said that is too much work, off with her head! Then she wouldnt be inside eating mealworms and tortillas! All my family jokes and says I should just put her in the crockpot, but there aint enough PJs there to feed anyone, besides she is too sweet to eat!
That poor baby!!! Chickens remind me a lot of teenagers lol. They can be so mean to each other!! Everyone seems to like marans for some reason, but they really don't do anything for me lol, especially if they are mean.

I wish that I had money to afford surgery for PJs but I'm sure that would be several hundred bucks, and I don't even know of any vets around here that would work on a bird. I am all about taking care of my animals, but sometimes my pocketbook does not cooperate. I have a son who is autistic and between all his doctor visits and medicine and stuff, he eats up most our extra money. I know vets have to make a living, but sometimes I wish they had a sliding scale lol, that would be amazing. I looked up avian vets and the nearest one is in dallas which is 2.5 hours away and being in dallas I'm sure they are high priced..... sigh. We used to have a good ol country vet down the road that worked on all manner of farm animals, for cheap too, but she has retired sadly.

I don't really know what else to do other than keep her safe, happy, and as comfortable as possible. I mean i guess it could be worse, she could have lived with someone who said that is too much work, off with her head! Then she wouldnt be inside eating mealworms and tortillas! All my family jokes and says I should just put her in the crockpot, but there aint enough PJs there to feed anyone, besides she is too sweet to eat!

The thing about PJ's limp is not knowing if it's because the hip or leg is out of alignment or if it's because there's pain putting weight on the leg. She is so incredibly sweet and it hurts me when I see an animal disabled - there's not knowing what exactly is the problem or how much or if there's any pain. I saw an Ameraucana hobbling around on a footless leg where the owner decided to give her a chance after she lost her foot. Once she healed she walks around the yard with her stump leg. I can't imagine she does any scratching since she has no toes on one leg and can't balance on her stump to use the foot that has toes! The owner was going to euthanize her but said she was glad she didn't since the bird can still get around the yard and do the things chickens like to do.

The thing about owning chickens and having the $$ to take care of them is something I took into consideration before getting them. While I worked there was no way to care for a free-range flock so I waited until retirement and had the $$ to house, feed, keep medical and maintenance supplies on hand, and have the means for vet care. Same steps as if we were getting a dog or cat into our care. We see people in our neighborhood let their pets get loose and get hit by cars or picked up by animal control or hoarders who take in more pets than they can handle and it frosts me why people take in pets they won't properly care for.

I don't use an avian vet. I found a dogs/cats/exotics/birds vet. His practice is primarily dogs/cats but I've seen guinea pigs, turtles, and our chickens of course in his office. Not all vets will see poultry but some will if you call around in advance and they'll usually be much cheaper than avian only vets. Our vet charges $40 for an office visit with a chicken, no charge for a followup visit, $35 for either a shot or medication, $35 for a chicken fecal test, where the avian vet wanted to charge $60+ just for a visit. In poultry or agricultural districts there might be listings for vets that see all livestock. A local college with agricultural courses might have some vets or medical students they know that see chickens and will be cheaper than established vets or even free. Call around and ask vets if they know a chicken doctor in the area. We lucked out with our vet because at one point he worked in the poultry industry so happens to know a bit about chickens. He told me he had to amputate a Leghorn wing a couple months ago. I was so lucky to find him and recommend him to friends all the time. Our local college has an agricultural dept but they currently see dogs/cats only but with plans to eventually expand to poultry. Our nearest university that has an expanded agricultural studies is two counties away and about 11/2 hour drive but if I didn't have my vet I would be willing to make the drive!
hey i love this page, i haven't read all this (sorry but) how do you keep them from pooping on every thing. without dippers, or is that the only way

Chickens can poop every 15 minutes but I swear it seems like every 15 seconds LOL! When we remodeled the house we ripped out wall-to-wall carpeting and installed all-tile ceramic floors for easier cleanups. All we have are an area rug under the dinette and under the dining table. Still, I recommend diapers if you're going to keep a chicken in the house. We let our Silkie outdoors once to have fun foraging around but when she came back in the house her diaper was covered in mud so we removed the diaper for her outdoor excursions. She is totally an outdoor hen now but still decides to come into the kitchen for visits and that's when I'm glad to have tile floors for easier poop cleanups. If we have hens that need to be in-house to recuperate from an illness/injury we keep them in a 4x4 hospital pen rather than stressing them by putting them in a diaper. If they start to feel better we might let them out for a run around the house and will use a diaper then.

What you want to do with your chicken in-house is up to you as an individual owner. If the chicken is always in the house then diapers are a must IMO. But if the chicken just comes in the house for a short "hello" visit then board up your doors with baby gates and just let her stay in the kitchen where the poops should be easy to wet wipe. I never needed a baby gate since a flat cardboard across the threshold was enough barrier for the chicken to respect.
Chickens can poop every 15 minutes but I swear it seems like every 15 seconds LOL!  When we remodeled the house we ripped out wall-to-wall carpeting and installed all-tile ceramic floors for easier cleanups.  All we have are an area rug under the dinette and under the dining table.  Still, I recommend diapers if you're going to keep a chicken in the house.  We let our Silkie outdoors once to have fun foraging around but when she came back in the house her diaper was covered in mud so we removed the diaper for her outdoor excursions.  She is totally an outdoor hen now but still decides to come into the kitchen for visits and that's when I'm glad to have tile floors for easier poop cleanups.  If we have hens that need to be in-house to recuperate from an illness/injury we keep them in a 4x4 hospital pen rather than stressing them by putting them in a diaper.  If they start to feel better we might let them out for a run around the house and will use a diaper then. 

What you want to do with your chicken in-house is up to you as an individual owner.  If the chicken is always in the house then diapers are a must IMO.  But if the chicken just comes in the house for a short "hello" visit then board up your doors with baby gates and just let her stay in the kitchen where the poops should be easy to wet wipe.  I never needed a baby gate since a flat cardboard across the threshold was enough barrier for the chicken to respect.

That's so right about the constant pooping! :lol: If I ever have Sunni's diaper off, it feels like I'm constantly following her around to clean up the trail of poop. Then of course as soon as I put the diaper back on, she poops maybe once in two hours that she's out. :rolleyes:
That's so right about the constant pooping!
If I ever have Sunni's diaper off, it feels like I'm constantly following her around to clean up the trail of poop. Then of course as soon as I put the diaper back on, she poops maybe once in two hours that she's out.
I believe she only poops in the dipper because she is uncomfortable with it on, chickens when there uncomfortable tend not to poop as frequent.
Guys, I ordered the most awesome thing last week and it came yesterday. PJ's now has a house of her very own!!

It was less than $30 on amazon, and it has a removable mesh/shade cover on the top to provide shade if outside, and prevent escape also! Bottom is water proof, it's very sturdy. Don't know how many of you would be interested in something like this, but it would make a great temporary home for a sick chicken, or a great permanent home for a spoiled indoor chicken!! There are two doors on the sides that zip open, love this thing, it is awesome!
Guys, I ordered the most awesome thing last week and it came yesterday. PJ's now has a house of her very own!!

It was less than $30 on amazon, and it has a removable mesh/shade cover on the top to provide shade if outside, and prevent escape also! Bottom is water proof, it's very sturdy. Don't know how many of you would be interested in something like this, but it would make a great temporary home for a sick chicken, or a great permanent home for a spoiled indoor chicken!! There are two doors on the sides that zip open, love this thing, it is awesome!
Congrats! I have an OCD Silkie that will scratch to China if allowed so you might think about how hard a toe-scratcher PJs is and line the bottom of the pen with a circle of thick plastic tablecloth or something before adding your shredded paper. I know the bottom of your pen is waterproof but it won't be scratchproof from toenails. Where did you buy your nipple valve waterer or did you make it yourself?
Congrats! I have an OCD Silkie that will scratch to China if allowed so you might think about how hard a toe-scratcher PJs is and line the bottom of the pen with a circle of thick plastic tablecloth or something before adding your shredded paper. I know the bottom of your pen is waterproof but it won't be scratchproof from toenails. Where did you buy your nipple valve waterer or did you make it yourself?
Thankfully she does not scratch very hard. She uses her gimpy leg to scratch mostly. I have also given her a pedicure and her nails are nice and smooth lol! This was made for dogs, so I assume it can put up with quite a bit. It is really a lot more sturdy than I had anticipated from the pictures. I had planned on lining the bottom with newspaper or something before I put the shredded paper down, to protect the bottom from poops, but I am fresh out of newspaper at the moment, I need to gather some more from my friends and family. A tablecloth is a super good idea tho, I might have to do that!!

I bought 2 packages of poultry nipples, and I made me all sorts of waterers. my favorite ones are made from powerade bottles. They have these big grooves where you can wrap a coat hanger around and make a hanger for them. I can make a waterer in less than five minutes like this. I have a ton of them now. I even made one for the top of one of my cages with a rubbermaid. I'm going to make a stand for it so I can use it on the ground too. The one PJ's has with the mountain dew bottle is definitely not my favorite, there is not much place to wrap the coat hanger around that is sturdy.

There are some pics of the other ones I made. I will never ever use any kind of waterer again!!! These are so much cleaner and make my life 10x easier haha

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