people with house chickens

There are some pics of the other ones I made. I will never ever use any kind of waterer again!!! These are so much cleaner and make my life 10x easier haha
I keep trying to find better ways to make a hanger, they are so hard to put in some places!! My silkies are almost getting too tall to use the one I have in their cage, I guess when they are it will be time to graduate to the rubbermaid tub!! I really like your set up in the rubbermaid jug, I assume it won't freeze in the winter, and in the summer I could totally see a chicken "lemonade" party with some iced down electrolytes lol!
I keep trying to find better ways to make a hanger, they are so hard to put in some places!! My silkies are almost getting too tall to use the one I have in their cage, I guess when they are it will be time to graduate to the rubbermaid tub!! I really like your set up in the rubbermaid jug, I assume it won't freeze in the winter, and in the summer I could totally see a chicken "lemonade" party with some iced down electrolytes lol!

We've used various sized Bungee cords to strap things tight. The only problem is that after a year they sag and need replacing but they sure are convenient to unhook and re-hook fast and I'm all about speed and easy when dealing with chickens so that I have more time left over to have fun with the chickens themselves.

We don't get freezing temps in our neighborhood so the Brite Tap stays out year round. We had two Brite Taps around so that the Silkies can reach the short one and the LF can reach the tall one. Well the silly Silkies stretch for the tall jug and the LF stoop for the low jug. I can't win these silly birds!
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I totally forgot to mention in my nipple waterer post... if you use a bottle like powerade or something else that seals up airtight, you MUST make a hole or slit or something in the top of the waterer (bottom of the bottle) so that it does not create a vacuum, or else they cannot get any water out!! I just use a very sharp knife and make a tiny slit that way water does not run out freely when you are filling it up. Just thought I would mention that in case anyone decided to make some of those. The first one I made I did not make a slit until the next day when I realized... DERP... they can't drink without one.
That totally depends on your house. If you have other pets, or things they can get into.
She probably won't go anywhere if you have a safe, dark place for her to roost. We have a bench seat in the basement for when the weather gets bad and I lay a garbage bag under where they hang their butts off so clean up in the morning is easy. They don't move from that spot until the sun comes up. Make sure you know/trust your other pets, if you have any. I don't let little ones out of their brooder, but the full grown hens are twice the size of my cats, who keep their distance. A couple times I slept in past the chickens while they were inside and they did make a mess. They ate my indoor herb garden and threw my Kerug pods all over the place. Then there's the random poops.
Here they are on their perch for the night with my sister and her boyfriend who aren't too sure about chickens. Lol

Our chicken has settled right in. "She" has turned out to be a roo. He likes to spend his days in the yard with the dogs. They accept him as one of their own. They guard the yard together and have all decided to start eating chicken feed. The roo even begs for food with the dogs when we sit down to eat! At night, he likes to roost in the cat tower to watch Wheel and Jeopardy before bed. The cats don't want much to do with the chicken, but every now and then, they join forces to rid our home of crickets. He is already pretty good about letting the kids handle him. One neighbor called and said something about the crowing. He called back a few min later and said that he really doesn't mind it any more than he minds the neighborhood dogs. I think he is a perfect fit!
Has anyone ever had a house chicken that got sore feet from the floor? My little Agnes has been a house chicken the past two weeks (new flock member and is much smaller than the others), and has started goose stepping, for lack of a better term, particularly on the veranda and kitchen floors (wooden floor with lino on top, didn't want poo on the carpet). Been checked out by a vet, no inflammation or swelling, paralysis ect. Been vaccinated against mareks. Most likely sore feet from prolonged exposure to the hard surface, so she's transitioning to backyard chicken again, better for her. Just wondering if anyone has had this issue before.
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Has anyone ever had a house chicken that got sore feet from the floor? My little Agnes has been a house chicken the past two weeks (new flock member and is much smaller than the others), and has started goose stepping, for lack of a better term, particularly on the veranda and kitchen floors (wooden floor with lino on top, didn't want poo on the carpet). Been checked out by a vet, no inflammation or swelling, paralysis ect. Been vaccinated against mareks. Most likely sore feet from prolonged exposure to the hard surface, so she's transitioning to backyard chicken again, better for her. Just wondering if anyone has had this issue before.

I've never had such an issue but I'm so glad to hear you had a vet check it out!
Oh I definitely wanted a vets opinion. She's doing better downstairs, loves her supervised free ranging time. She can support her body weight on one or both legs no worries, so I'm reassured by that and the vets diagnosis. Carpets no problems getting a grip on either (we're moving and the new owners are remodeling so some stains are forgivable). My admiration to those of you who can make the house chicken situation work. For me though, the reality of it was a little tough. Still, she's welcome inside when she wants, which is nice and Mum's happy to have her sit on her lap (since the cat won't).
My friend has had house pet chickens off and on for over 25 years. She has 2 serama hens I believe 4 yrs. old and a younger silkie hen. They free range her house except at night. They are constantly on/off her carpeted floors or linoleum ones. Don't seem to have a problem with feet. The seramas boss the silkie around and they fight over who gets to sit in the chair with my friend, when she watch tv.

When she leaves the house in the a.m. they sleep on a rug by the front door(inside) with the dog. When she comes back home they mob her. She does spoil them, she sets up a buffet of their favorite things and they pick what they want. They also steal from the dog's dish, and take over his bed when they pretend they are broody. When strangers come over they hide behind the sofa - pace back and forth, and keep checking to see if the strangers have departed yet. They are fun to watch.

Have you checked yours for bumblefoot, I imagine they could get it even indoors. are they on wire floors often?
Yes, no signs of bumblefoot, and she's never been on wire floors. She's otherwise fine, it really seems to be an aversion to particular surfaces. She's really careful stepping on newspapers (she really seems to hate those) and even in tall grass. Carpet and grass that's been mowed, no probs, walks normally. I'll keep an eye on the behavior, but she's had her feet checked by a vet who also examined her for other signs of illness and got the all clear. That was a week ago now, and she's fine, only other weird thing is she does this beak grinding thing, like parrots do. It's definitely her beak, not her breathing, she's full of quirks it seems.

Added to my flock as well, a golden coloured Pekin and a Speckled Sussex. They'll be out in the new coop in a little while. I just hope everyone is able to get along eventually.
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