people with house chickens

I am sorry for your loss. That's the worst part of any animal ownership. Thank you for answering my post. We decided to bring our Lightning in yesterday, because she had her comb halfway off. She laid in my lap for about three hours and than she started to explore. That's when I put her diaper on, and let her explore. She loves sitting on the back of the couch! And then she stretched! It was thee cutest thing ever! Also, I hope you have a great day!


Thank you. Lightning has to wear a diaper because our living room (her favorite place) is carpet. I need to order one because the one I made her really sucks. And its a pain in the butt to put back on again.

I made a couple diapers for my chickens before I found the right style and right fabric and right plastic liner before I had the right design for my different breeds. You have to experiment and then if it works get an extra diaper for changing during the day if the chicken has a runny poop.
I am sorry for your loss. That's the worst part of any animal ownership. Thank you for answering my post. We decided to bring our Lightning in yesterday, because she had her comb halfway off. She laid in my lap for about three hours and than she started to explore. That's when I put her diaper on, and let her explore. She loves sitting on the back of the couch! And then she stretched! It was thee cutest thing ever! Also, I hope you have a great day!


Thank you. Lightning has to wear a diaper because our living room (her favorite place) is carpet. I need to order one because the one I made her really sucks. And its a pain in the butt to put back on again.

Thank you for the kind words! We miss her dearly and are still slowly getting over losing her
She lived inside and was an everyday part of our lives. Glad your girl is inside safe...poor baby
Our girl LOVED to sit on the back of the couch or snuggle in a corner cushion!
I Favorite couch spot!
Favorite rug spot
Enjoy your new house buddy

Technically not supposed to be house chickens as I am making their coop for them and they are almost 10 weeks old now but I am so overly protective of them I am almost afraid to put them outside into the scary big world full of pests and predators. I am super duper predator proofing the coop and they should be moving out in a few weeks but a part of me wants to have them live in the house at night and spend the days outside in the coop. Call me crazy but my silkies are my pets and my babies and cuddle monsters who run up to me when I come home from work. It's like throwing a dog in the backyard all its life and I know people do it but gah...convince me not to build an indoor permanent night home for these buggers.

Also the splash Sora likes me to call them my baby dragon and enjoys sitting on my shoulder and getting treats. They oddly enough never poo on me or poo outside their pen. Even Sora took a nap with me on my bed for 2 hours when I passed out playing video games with them in my lap and never made a mess. Just perched on my knee xD
Technically not supposed to be house chickens as I am making their coop for them and they are almost 10 weeks old now but I am so overly protective of them I am almost afraid to put them outside into the scary big world full of pests and predators. I am super duper predator proofing the coop and they should be moving out in a few weeks but a part of me wants to have them live in the house at night and spend the days outside in the coop. Call me crazy but my silkies are my pets and my babies and cuddle monsters who run up to me when I come home from work. It's like throwing a dog in the backyard all its life and I know people do it but gah...convince me not to build an indoor permanent night home for these buggers. Also the splash Sora likes me to call them my baby dragon and enjoys sitting on my shoulder and getting treats. They oddly enough never poo on me or poo outside their pen. Even Sora took a nap with me on my bed for 2 hours when I passed out playing video games with them in my lap and never made a mess. Just perched on my knee xD
I have mine inside at night they sleep in a round tub filled with old towels next to my bed. They wake up like clock work at 5 am and want to go outside then they spend most of the day outside dep.on weather but again right on time at 5pm they want in and will walk right into my room and climb into bed. I am freaking out tho because first time ever they are sick with a respiratory problem something and on antibiotics it has been miserable to have them wheezing with every breath in my room. I am up right now because of it. I am not taking this well at all. You sure realize real quick how much you love them. I just don't know what happened I figured with them in a back yard and inside that they would not ever get sick but they are. 2 HENS a silkie and frizzle.
I have mine inside at night they sleep in a round tub filled with old towels next to my bed. They wake up like clock work at 5 am and want to go outside then they spend most of the day outside dep.on weather but again right on time at 5pm they want in and will walk right into my room and climb into bed.
I am freaking out tho because first time ever they are sick with a respiratory problem something and on antibiotics it has been miserable to have them wheezing with every breath in my room. I am up right now because of it. I am not taking this well at all. You sure realize real quick how much you love them. I just don't know what happened I figured with them in a back yard and inside that they would not ever get sick but they are. 2 HENS a silkie and frizzle.
Awww, poor babies. I have a whole emergency medical kit put together for mine just to be safe. Wound spray, treatment for mites and lice, nutri drench, and medication for respiratory infections. I also have a roll of vet wrap and pads too and blue kote. I'm ready for anything that comes my way with these little guys once they head into the big world. Working on their coop again today and putting up more hardware cloth. Next will be building the outside run.
I saw a video someone made a diaper out of a sock and out of a face mask.. i think little underwear is a great idea to. I need to try something she really hates those bulky velcro ones. You use a safety pin to secure the "diaper"?
I saw a video someone made a diaper out of a sock and out of a face mask.. i think little underwear is a great idea to. I need to try something she really hates those bulky velcro ones. You use a safety pin to secure the "diaper"?

With Silkies I found their "fur" gets tangled in the Velcro straps so when I make my diapers I just use a larger safety pin to adjust pinning the straps. Silkie fur is a challenge w/ diapers but after a while you and the Silkie get used to putting them on with a safety pin.

Technically not supposed to be house chickens as I am making their coop for them and they are almost 10 weeks old now but I am so overly protective of them I am almost afraid to put them outside into the scary big world full of pests and predators. I am super duper predator proofing the coop and they should be moving out in a few weeks but a part of me wants to have them live in the house at night and spend the days outside in the coop. Call me crazy but my silkies are my pets and my babies and cuddle monsters who run up to me when I come home from work. It's like throwing a dog in the backyard all its life and I know people do it but gah...convince me not to build an indoor permanent night home for these buggers.

Also the splash Sora likes me to call them my baby dragon and enjoys sitting on my shoulder and getting treats. They oddly enough never poo on me or poo outside their pen. Even Sora took a nap with me on my bed for 2 hours when I passed out playing video games with them in my lap and never made a mess. Just perched on my knee xD

Aww..they are adorable!
I will be struggling with the same thing...getting ready to hatch in a few weeks and putting them outside
They are so sweet and our indoor girls were like puppies..LOL! Soooo....if you get yours out in a coop...I can be brave enough to do the same

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