Perches extend full length of coop?

I would miss it to! I have two hens that I got as adults, I think the people that had them before trimmed their wings wrong because they have never grown back.

How long have you had them? I don't think you can permanently screw up the wing as long as you only cut feather. Wouldn't they grow back after moulting?
Seems to me I've heard of something that will cause them to have permanently 'clipped' wings... somewhere way back in the dusty corners of my swiss-cheese memory.....
Seems to me I've heard of something that will cause them to have permanently 'clipped' wings... somewhere way back in the dusty corners of my swiss-cheese memory.....

It's called "pinioning". When the chick is a day or two old they actually cut the portion of the wing off that produces the flight feathers. Not all that common. Some hatcheries offer the "service".
Many states require hatcheries to pinion such birds as swans, mallards, wild turkeys before they can be shipped.

As far as chickens wanting to roost in the corner or up against a wall I have a theory on that. My hens all want that prime spot too. I think it is a deep rooted instinctual desire. Almost all wild turkeys will roost up nest to the trunk of the tree. I guess it helps to protect one side from ambush.
It's called "pinioning". When the chick is a day or two old they actually cut the portion of the wing off that produces the flight feathers. Not all that common. Some hatcheries offer the "service".

Mine extends the entire width of the coop, i only have the one a 2x4(or 6? always forget lol) I only have 4.. they seem to like to start at the end and then smoosh along beside one another for night time roosting.

Mine does not come off either, i clean the coop and roost daily, take me under 5mins to do so.
As a related question, if I'm choosing heavy-bodied birds like buff bramas, do I need to keep their roost a little lower than for a lighter bird--thinking it might be a little harder for the more "full-figured girls" go hop on up to the higher roosts. Would about a foot off the floor of their poop board be too high for such heavy birds? (or too high, or way too low?)
my Light Brahmas fly/ jump 3 feet up to the coop door
I'm building a 10' x 6' coop. Should all the roosts be together on 1 wall, or is it ok to put them on two opposite walls. Does it matter to the chickens?

And what is the best to use for a roost? I see people use everything from 1' dowels, to natural branches, to 2x4s.
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