Permethrin for flies


Jun 15, 2018
Opp, Alabama
Even though I’ve kept my coop pretty much clean of chicken poo, we’ve been having trouble with flies the last couple of weeks, so I just stopped & bought some Permethrin. Is there a specific way to mix & spray, or do I just follow the directions on the label? We’ve not had this problem in the past, just the last couple of weeks. Idk if it’s because of the rain we had & there was a bigger hatching of flies or what...... TIA
I've never used it for flies so I would say use as directed. You can also get fly traps at any feed store and many hardware stores. They smell horrible and work pretty well.
Follow the directions for diluting it for the poultry house, it will work well.
Fly traps attract flies, so are set up away from your target area, not in it.
Spalding fly predators work too, look them up.
Thank you to all that replied!! We bought some of the bag fly traps (that smell like a corpse 😫) & hung them in a tree that’s outside of the pen as we’ve used them for a few years & have had much success with them, but for some reason they didn’t pull as many flies away from the pen as I was hoping!! I mixed as per the directions on the bottle & am pleased!! Thanks again!
I originally sprayed my coops for a mite infestation and I had a lot of flies. The bonus was it eliminated most of the flies. I hated going into the coops and the flies landed all over me probably because it was hot and they liked my sweat. I hadn't considered using the permethrin for flies but also discovered that is is sometimes used in ear tags for fly control on cows.

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