Persistant broody


10 Years
May 17, 2010
Hello. I have a question for those of you who might know.

Some background...I have a bielefelder hen that started broody about two weeks ago. I have been removing the eggs from under her every day and she is still hanging in there. She will get up for a short time, every day, in the mornings but then she heads right back to the box. I have had a hen hatch out chicks in the past but it was years ago and it was all very straight forward since i ran a roo with the hens back then. My old roo died last year and we haven't replaced him yet.

My question is, if i were to buy and put some hatching eggs under her, at this point, is it possible that she would stay on them until they hatched? Or will she abandon then in a week or so after sitting so long already. I didnt set any under her earlier because i wasn't convinced of her commitment and we had just bought nearly a dozen chicks but now, seeing her so determined, i'd be thrilled to have her hatch out a few more.

I appreciate your time.
Well, lets ask this you have an incubatorr? If you do then Go for putting eggs under her and see how she does. Otherwise IMO wouldn't waste the money on hatching egg unless you can get them from a nearby hatchery
If she abandons the eggs then you have a backup with the incubator
When i need hatching eggs i just stop at random places that i see eggs for sale signs. I stop in and ask if they have a rooster and are there eggs fertile?
Alot of times they will go to the coop and get me freshly laid ones from the nest boxes.
Have the incubator ready if your broody gives up, but i think she will stick to it for you.
Good luck!
Well, lets ask this you have an incubatorr? If you do then Go for putting eggs under her and see how she does. Otherwise IMO wouldn't waste the money on hatching egg unless you can get them from a nearby hatchery
If she abandons the eggs then you have a backup with the incubator

Thank you for the response. No i don't have a incubator. I do have a very local breeder that i can get eggs from. I would just hate to have them abandoned after they begin to really develop. I'm still curious to see if anyone has had this type of thing turn out successfully.
I got a broody sitting on 4 eggs right now. She is a BO from a hatchery, rather small for a BO but she is always going broody. So I took 4 eggs from my breeding trio and put under her. Due the 2nd next month, and TBH she has been sitting on them to the point I have to take her off the nest so she will go eat.
If you look through the threads here you will find that there are success stories putting eggs under a broody and some not so successful. So I guess it is up to you if you want to take the chance. Being you got a breeder close by should make taking the chance easier
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