Persnickety Chickadees

Mine have eaten everything I’ve given them so far….kale, cabbage, Swiss chard, tomato, zucchini, cucumber, peppers, watermelon, cantaloupe & berries. Sometimes if something is big they won’t finish it, so now I’ll chop big stuff in the food processor and they eat the bowl of chopped veggies. Mostly they eat their feed and wet mash, but I do give them veggie/fruit scraps once a day. 😊
whoa your babies have a sophisticated pallet!!
My girls do not like raw pumpkins. I roasted one and scooped out the soft meat and they love that!!!! They also do not like cabbage or strawberries. They do LOVE blue berries and devour our bushes. they also love mushrooms which I am not sure if other hens like.
My chickens go bonkers for protein. If i have leftover chicken carcass from dinner, I will always give them some. Ironically, their favorite foods based on their response is chicken and hard boiled eggs. oh, and blueberries. and raisins. They also LOVE when i hang an apple, broccoli, or cabbage in the run. The purple cabbage does interesting things to the poop, lol. They do not like banana. They shake their head no no no when i offer, lol.

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