Pests in the coop


In the Brooder
Aug 2, 2020
Last question I had was about the gender of our chicks and got really good insight, so I thought I’d ask you guys about another of our problems.

Recently, we’ve been noticing small-ish black bugs all over the coop. At first, we simply treated dusting the birds and cleaning the coop, but they are back and ever more inherent. If you guys would happen to have any suggestions on how to get rid of these bugs, please feel free to share it.


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Last question I had was about the gender of our chicks and got really good insight, so I thought I’d ask you guys about another of our problems.

Recently, we’ve been noticing small-ish black bugs all over the coop. At first, we simply treated dusting the birds and cleaning the coop, but they are back and ever more inherent. If you guys would happen to have any suggestions on how to get rid of these bugs, please feel free to share it.
Looks like darkling beetles. They can destroy the wood in the coop, pester them birds, transmit sickness, and eat the feed.
I looked up this for it, but you may want to read into it.
Your chickens aren’t eating them?! I love finding these little guys. I move things in the run every few days and my chickens love when I expose a few of them hiding.

Admittedly, I’ve never seen them congregate like that though.

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