Pet Cornish Cross


Feb 11, 2017
I'm a meat bird enthusiast but I also like pet chickens, so I was wondering if I could hold back a few for pets and breed?
I was thinking regular starter/grower/layer feed by feed them less than a regular chook. Also figured from the flock learning from eachother keeping them with breeds that range better so the cx follow off of them.
Limit their feed, allow them to forage and graze. They like following my new hampshire roo around when they free range. These 2 are a year this month. They're not the best layers, but their eggs are pretty big. There are a couple of threads where people are using them in breeding projects. The girl on the left is from Meyer, she is one of 3 I held back for breeding and the only one that wasn't bullied to death. The one on the right is a packing peanut from Ideal, sent with 6 rir roo chicks to keep 6 guinea keets warm. They hold their own, they play and chase bugs with the rest of them. I just have to separate them from the roo for a bit to let their feathers grow back.
carmel 004.JPG
gardens 008.JPG Carmel, my new hampshire. My husband doesn't like the smell of the CX when processing them, but he's ok with the dual purpose. The male offspring have been processed at 12 weeks ranging from 5-7lbs, with good breast meat and nice legs.

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