Petting your birds and loving them

I know this is OT but wanted to post pictures of my kids with their pets so you can see that they are not scared to touch them. The first two are ones I edited for a photoshopping class so that's why they have extra words and such on them. (as you can see my girls are not really into getting their pictures taken like my son is

same kid as above:




and petting some lions/tigers at a local mall:


(my dd in the back wasn't scared to touch them but she was afraid they would scratch her-they were pretty playful)

and I have lots more (just not reduced in size yet).
gale65, that is so awesome with the tigers! Was it a one time thing? Definitely an event to remember!

As for the actual thread: I was raised that animals are pets or food. They can't be both.

This is my first time raising chickens and I am starting from chicks. I got these chicks for eggs, not dinner. This makes them pets for me. I have been picking them up, holding them and talking to them on a regular basis so that they can get used to me and hopefully be friendly later. I understand everyone else's opinion because of how I was raised, but I, too, am of the opinion that what is put in, will come out. If I treat them like "family", maybe they will consider me as such...
This is where I am having my problem. My fiance doesn't see them as pets and he thinks I am a bit crazy for thinking they are. He'd have no problem going out and slaughtering (although he admitted he would have a difficult time with Pengi because he knows I would be heartbroken).

Our goal for getting the chickens were to allow us to be more SELF SUFFICIENT. Supply our own meat and eggs. Hate to say it... none of this flock is going for meat if I have my way about it! They are my pets. Pengi and Cinder may just eat feed and not serve a purpose (Cinder is apparently too old to lay...) She is a valued member of my family.

His solution for this is to have two coops... one for my "pets" and one that I am not allowed to get attached to. LOL
It was-the people who brought them came back a year later but at that time they also brought a couple of wolf pups so my kids chose to pet the wolf pups instead. It was expensive both times but how often do you get to get in a pen with real tiger and wolf babies and pet them? At first I balked at the price but then thought about it and how it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. And 2 of my 3 kids are wild about animals (the third prefers to go clothes shopping and do her nails).

My comment was not a put down or attack you understand I hope. My wife has GERM CONCERN and anxieties herself. Way more than most people. I guess that is why I picked up on your post. Our kids always have had mom anxiety issues to work through like roller coasters safety and all the germs in the rides, touching door handles and supermarket cart handles and such.... I loved your post and honesty and it helps to understand some of your concerns.

No problem-I didn't see it that way at all. I do try to make a conscious effort to make sure my kids don't 'inherit' my problem because I can see how they would pick up on it and know how crippling it can be. As for the anxiety, I hate it, I know it's not logical, and I wish I could change it. I don't wish to be like this and I'm sure others who have it don't either. My brain has a mind of its own but I am way better than I used to be. And unlike a lot of people like me, I do not use antibacterial soaps or lotions of any kind and I hardly use bleach (only twice a month for whites in the wash). Those are two of my small victories. lol. Along with having chickens.

We'll see how it goes when we start getting eggs and I have to handle and cook with them.
I love all my birds up and have named them all. Treat them like any other pets--dog, cats...etc. I feel they lay eggs and go thru alot for us..they are like any other wild/then domesticated animal...And yes my girls know their names--know when I am around..every evening they fight over who gets to sleep on my lap and be petted and loved over. It is not crazy...they are Gods creatures and love you like you love them...
It was-the people who brought them came back a year later but at that time they also brought a couple of wolf pups so my kids chose to pet the wolf pups instead. It was expensive both times but how often do you get to get in a pen with real tiger and wolf babies and pet them? At first I balked at the price but then thought about it and how it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. And 2 of my 3 kids are wild about animals (the third prefers to go clothes shopping and do her nails).

Too cool. I would have jumped at the chance, myself. With or without kids.

I love all my birds up and have named them all. Treat them like any other pets--dog, cats...etc. I feel they lay eggs and go thru alot for us..they are like any other wild/then domesticated animal...And yes my girls know their names--know when I am around..every evening they fight over who gets to sleep on my lap and be petted and loved over. It is not crazy...they are Gods creatures and love you like you love them...

And exactly what I'm hoping for with mine.​
If it's any help, gale65, eggs are actually laid sterile, yup, so keep a clean nest box and there will truley be no germs on your eggs,, hard to believe but true, such a perfect thing really.
As for having affection for your chickens, it's something we can all agree to disagree isn't it..I know what I've experienced, as far as chicken love - why does Moe seek me out when her siblings don't..I can distinguish her call to me as hummmmmm maybe. Can chickens feel fear? curiosity? is it all just instinct? or if they can have thoughts, and desires who is to say they can't feel affection? I don't like to assign human characteristics to animals, but recognise that chickens have personalities as individual as they are, if that's so then, why not feelings...they don't follow the same social order as humans and really just aren't very complicated...I know my roosters are afraid of me, as I know the hens visit me and look to me for food and shelter, but having all that and still, popping over for a 'visit' is their way of showing chicken love.
My wild hen has tamed down quite a bit since her first clutch, and now have 6 brand new chicks, she will let me feed them from my hand, but still goes nuts when the dog comes over, is she smart enough to realize I'm a different sort of chicken? Funny, until I actually 'voiced' my feelings to her about how cute the chicks are and what a good mother hen she is, those hackles stayed up, could she hear in my voice that I cared about her chicks too? Sure, if I move too fast I'll get a peck, but nothing like I know she can deliver if she wants.
Maybe I'll write more later, have to go out and play with the chicks now

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