Pheasants Nesting boxes

I hang bushel baskets on the side of the pen and 1 on the ground,a piece of plywood leaning on the sid eof pen and a x mas tree leaned into a corner.Give them choices where they pick to lay.Most will nest in a basket,but eared pheasants tend to choose the ground.My humes also chose the ground.Remember to get their boxes in their pen well before they start to lay so they can get used to what they are for.If they are put in to late they will probably not use them.I also use apple boxes when available.Sorry no pics of the nesting baskets.Plenty of pheasant pics.
In N.H.,Tony.
Has anyone tried using dummy eggs where you want the hens to nest? That has been very reliable for my peafowl, but this is my first year with pheasants. Thanks for asking this question, BAMACK. I hope someone can post photos of various nesting sites.

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