Phidgety Pheasants!


10 Years
May 28, 2009
Bloomington, Indiana
I have a juvenile pair of silver pheasants that when I first got them I didn't have their pen finished, so for a little while they cohabitated with my chickens/turkeys/geese. (Yeah, I do know of the potential disease dangers that can sometimes present, but everything went fine as far as that was concerned...)

While they were in with the chickens and stuff, they acted totally content, they just moseyed around in the pen and chicken house. Ate, perched, rested, just acted contented in there. At night they liked to roost on the top roost in the chicken house amongst everybody else....

After I moved them into their own finished pen, which is a duplex of sorts, they have their own pen that's around 6x24 with a small house attached, and connected to it is a larger pen with my melanistics in it.

"Problem" is, nearly all they do is run up and down up and down up and down the side of the pen all the time. It's the side that faces the melanistic pen, and thusly that direction is facing toward where the chicken house/pen is....

One day I let them go over into the melanistic pen to see if they would be content and quit trying to get out that side of the wire.... After they checked everything out in there, they proceeded to go to the far side of the melanistic pen, facing the chicken house, and run back and forth, back and forth.....

So I said all this long drawn out schpeel to say: Are they missing their original digs with the chickens, or are they just insane, or what???? LOL
I have a pheasant rooster that does this. I thought that it was because his run was a little to small. I built him and his girls a larger one and all that did was give him a longer stretch to run before he had to turn back and go the other way. Not the sharpest pencil in the box.
No Folks I Dont Think We're Likely To See AnY Pheasants Wearing Nasa Uniforms....

Used To Know An Old HOrse Trainer/ Riding Coach That When It Came To Horse Breeding The Rule Was=== Color In, Brains Out---- I Guess It Also Applies To Gamebirds Too
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What I find so weird about the situation with these though, is that they acted totally content in the chicken pen. Now in their own place, all they do is act like they want to go back that direction.

They only pace that one side. Didn't take them long to beat clean a path....there's grass on most of the ground but before long they had a dirt path along the side they run on.

Goofy little buzzards.
If they are young birds they will chill out in most cases, esp when breeding season comes this spring. i have one young melanistic that does this but his brother and two female pen mates do not do this and all can from the jersey zoo and were about 4 months old., but once the mating season comes and they mature a bit further they normally stop doing that pace mentality..

Your silvers may mis there pen mates and so seen them as that, but they should chill out after some time..Is it possible to put some kind of temporary site barrier up to block there vision in that direction..
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