PI-12 & Janoel 24 incubator First Ever Hatch Attempt


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 15, 2014
First time hatch =) Wish me luck.

Purchased both units from ebay PI 12 $89.00

Janoel 24 $99

Pi12 12 fertile isa / leghorn eggs , down to 9 since candling and noticed one infertile and one with blood ring another smelt rotten so removed it before it exploded.

Janoel has 12 australorp / 6 silver laced Wyandotte 6 golden laced Wyandotte eggs. One australorp egg had to be removed after 3 days due to seepage and little spurs coming from withing the egg.

Im now 15 days in with the pi-12 and go into lock down in 3 days =) Have set temp to 37.7 on gauge and added 100 ml of water each day at noon. I have not check the humidty through the whole process but have purchased a checker and that should arrive before lock down. Ive followed the instructions almost to the letter apart from the factory request of having it set at 38 from start to finish on both units. The eggs seemt o be growing and im measured the airsac and it sin line with what i have read on this forum.

The Janoel is 7 days in and so far 11 australorps are growing and all 12 Wyandotte are also growing.

And i Big Hello to everyone as ive been reading for just over 2 weeks and finally decided to make a presence
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Picture of my brooder i made once the little ones arrive =)
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We are almost locking down at the same time! This is my first hatch. I bought the Janoel 48. So far out of the 10 eggs I set, I have 7 left. 2 infertiles and 1 blood ring. I just locked down this morning and am so excited!! Hope I have 7 little Polish running around in a few days although I know it is unlikely that all 7 will hatch. Good luck Dools with your hatch!!
Good Luck Val. I lock down tomorrow at noon =)

One of my australorps has just gone broody , so i might end up moving the australorp eggs and placing them under her. And leave the Wyandotte eggs so the kids can see them hatching in the clear case incubator
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Ive moved 8 eggs from my janoel 24 incubator to my new broody hen let see how this goes.

As i never had the Hygrometer from day dot, when I started the incubation ( i work away 2 weeks at a time so had my kids fill the incubator as per instructions ) i don't hold to much hope with the chicks hatching. I followed the instructions in the manual and once my Hygrometer arrived (today) i checked and ive had 99-100 % humidity :( from start to finish. Lets hope some chicks survive if not i know why. The airsacs however are inline with the 14 day candle mark and the eggs have been rocking today

Ive now removed all the water from the janoel and the other pi - 12 and adjusted the humidity back down to 45-50 with the janoel and 60-70 for the pi 12 ( the ones in lock down )

If all fails i will now have all the equipment to restart another batch and have the correct humidity. i feel real bad now , knowing i could have ruined their chance at life but time will tell i guess

Just a heads up for anyone who has purchased either of the ones in the pictures above , dont follow the instructions by adding 100ml of water every day, when i finally removed the turner tray in both units and had a closer look the whole bottom floor of both incubators was totally covered in water. My advice get your Hygrometer from the start and monitor. I purchased 6 X http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/DIGITAL-...55?pt=AU_Decor_Furnishing&hash=item417a3ef4a7

2 for each side of the incubators and 2 spare to measure outside humidity conditions of the room they are in. Temp was spot on from the incubator with the 2 wireless meters inside both units
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