picking issues


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
i have 24 2 month old chicks and there is one that is always getting picked on i separtered him from them the others,is there anything i can so they won't pick on him,i hate to see him isolated from the rest of the gang
Well there are a few ways to take care of this.........

1) You can take a pair of clippers and clip off the very ends of the beaks. This will not hurt them. Just clip the tip.

2) You can apply Blu-Kote to the area which is also an antiseptic wound dressing and it helps in healing but does not guarentee no more pecking.

3) There is a red lotion, I believe its called Apple bitter, or something like that. It is red and you apply it to the bird and when the others peck on it, it will leave a bitter taste in the other birds mouth, thus stop the pecking, supposly.

4) Keep them isolated from the others until the feathers grow back but take them to where the others are daily so they can see and get used to them.

Hope this information helps.

Edited to let you know that I have the same issue with one of my White Leghorns. She/he has been with us in the house for a week now and I believe the chick loves the attention it gets. She/he follows us everywhere in the house.
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:yiipchicki have to try that thank you for ur reply

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