Pickled eggs

Thank you for the hot and spicy recipe! I love spice and can't wait to try this!
I had added tons of spice to my vinegar mix.... tobasco (both regular and chipotle), chili powder, cumin, pepper flakes, onion and garlic along with some jalapeno juice. To be honest I thought I had over spiced them in the beginning.

Had great flavor but no heat. I think I will take your recommendation and try some hab or add some actual jalapenos in with the eggs.......

I originally asked for pickled egg recipies, but I shouldn't have, I should have just kept reading the posts. There are plenty of them. I wanted to make 1 jar first...if anyone had a recipe for quail eggs in a pint jar...

Also, I herb my vinegars...(steeping herbs in vinegar until it takes on the aroma.) would this be ok? Or should I try regular vinegar?

How I heard to peel eggs...boil them, them drain and roll back and forth in the pan until all the shells are cracked, then cover with cold water, and let sit. Or I think I read it somewhere on this sight to cool them all the way, then peel under cold running water.

I am still new to all my chicken eggs, and havn't actually tried it, but I am going to, just to see. I heard peeling fresh eggs is a real pain.
I hard boiled my first fresh eggs last week and pealing wasn't as big a deal as what I have read. Cold water, bring water to a boil with a lid on the pan for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes then cool in cold water. Done to perfection never a green tint. Try and enjoy. John
I couldn't wait for a reply. I used my basil/garlic vinegar, and the entire jar of eggs is already gone. I saw where some recipes say to leave them a few days/few weeks...but that didn't happen. They had a nice pickly taste...They were So good!!!

So, I'm gonna hatch more quail to get more eggs!!!
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