Pics of [My] New coop from Dec '09 - Looking for comments/suggestions

Silkie Man

In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 21, 2009
Northeastern Ohio
Hello everyone,

After discovering the BYC, I planned for a few months then I finally decided to set out and build the best coop I could for about $200... over my winter break from college in mid-December of 2009. I finally got some pictures uploaded. I think I need some help with roofing though. We had about 22" of snow in the big blast over the last couple of weeks and my run is a tad distorted, so I also thought of perhaps using a tarp elevated at one end to cover my run. [ideas?] It's sealed for now with Thompson's water seal but I'm not sure what material would be cheap to use for the coop's roof[?] Anyone have any economical ideas? I was thinking of perhaps rubber roofing, tarpaper and/or shingles, or something like that if I can find it at Home Depot. I would appreciate any ideas and general b/s is always appreciated.

Be sure to click on the images to view them larger, my thumbnails came out pixelated.

My coop page:

Your coop looks great. If anything I would add a window. Add natural light, and if you replace the screen with wire mesh it would allow extra air for hot summers.

Nice job! they look cozy. You might want to try rolled roofing, layerd like you do shingles that is inexpensive. Try Craigs list for building supplys in your area also. Oh and

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