Pics of Q, our Courtnix Quail

i almost believed that for a second. but then knowing PC is a silly prankster i started to crack up and my parents started to get concered cuz i was laughing and nothing was going on.. so now they think im crazy.. thanks
It's fun to laugh at your computer... it's NOT fun to clean up the snorted coffee from the monitor and keyboard...

OMG, that was funny!

PC, I had someone come out and look at my Silkies, and they said "I'm from chicken-country, and that don't look like no chicken I EVER seen! That cain't be no chicken!". So there you have it... you can keep Silkies, cuz they ain't chickens.


Dang, I even have to correct myself when I'm quoting someone else...
When i first saw a silkie i was at the flea market and the silkie was siting about 20 feet away from me and i told my mom ( who ever had that trash bag should have threw it away instead of leaving it on the ground ) so we went to go pick it up and when we got up to it... my mom said OMG is that a bird???

lol now we love'em.. i can't wait for my eggs to hatch

edit for spelling
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

It's fun to laugh at your computer... it's NOT fun to clean up the snorted coffee from the monitor and keyboard...

OMG, that was funny!

PC, I had someone come out and look at my Silkies, and they said "I'm from chicken-country, and that don't look like no chicken I EVER seen! That cain't be no chicken!". So there you have it... you can keep Silkies, cuz they ain't chickens.


Dang, I even have to correct myself when I'm quoting someone else...

I use Simple Green to clean coffee stains.
Would you believe that I actually retrieved a coturnix that had gotten out of it's pen two days ago?

I was out working on the coop, and I heard "jee-deet! jee-deet!" coming from about 20 feet away... sure enough, there she was!! Fortunately for me, unfortunately for the bird, our dog thought it was more grouse training and went after her, and brought her down. He doesn't have the soft-mouth touch yet, but it looks like the worst thing is that she lost a few feathers and is in shock. So... if one gets out, it's a safe bet that it will stick close, so put out some food and a live trap!

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