Pics of quail coops and runs?

I would say you would need a heat light at those extreme temps. It never gets that cold around here. We have had very mild winters. I will probably pack a lot of straw into their pen and put a tarp around the open faces.
I don't think you need to separate them. If I understand correctly, in the wild covey (ies?) of quail are mix of several male and female. I currently have 8 males and 6 females all in the playhouse coop. The guy that sold them too me thought there were 12 females and 2 males. Oh well. They all get along fine even in the small area they have right now. It's interesting hearing them talk to each other. They say different things at different times of the day
It's interesting hearing them talk to each other. They say different things at different times of the day
Kinda like the males flirting with the females ? Hey honey hurry up with that egg, Id like to climb on your back , and then rest for a while .
Or the other hen to hen talk. GET off the Nest Nancy your taking up too much time.. Are you Going to the feed bowl later ?

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