Pictures of some of our chicks at 2 weeks!


7 Years
Aug 20, 2012
They have grown almost double in size since Saturday, I swear! I still have all of the Blue Wheaten Ameraucana chicks to photograph (or suspect EEs as well!)

Here's "little one", our tiny easter egger and her favourite place to be

Here are our 4 Black Copper Maran chicks - I'm sure it's too early to tell sex, but I'll take any early guesses - lol!


B - the only one with a dark chest and black fuzzy feet - the smallest



Our Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicks! I can't tell them apart at all!





Lavender Orpington Chicks! One was a very early featherer. The other 3 just now (5 days later) are getting tail feathers and are larger then the early featherer

A - the early featherer


There are 2 other ones LOs but I'll include those in the next batch

2 Supposed Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas that have a chipmunk/ silver chick colouring. I'm not sure that those wings coming in are typical of a silver Ameraucana colour!


so cute! and holy moly the neck nuzzler! that'll be a hard one to move out of the house
Cuties! I just love the babies!

Question though, are you sure that you Wyandottes are Blue Laced Red? I just ask because every BLR Wyandotte I've seen, including the one I have now was not at ALL colored like your chicks. This is what Violet (or Blue Laced Red) looked like as a chick (four days) and now (9 weeks)...
She was very lavendar colored and light with a bit of reddish mottled on her wings.

Cuties! I just love the babies!

Question though, are you sure that you Wyandottes are Blue Laced Red? I just ask because every BLR Wyandotte I've seen, including the one I have now was not at ALL colored like your chicks. This is what Violet (or Blue Laced Red) looked like as a chick (four days) and now (9 weeks)...
She was very lavendar colored and light with a bit of reddish mottled on her wings.

On second glance, those chicks looks more like Margo, my Gold Laced Wyandotte.

I know that she breeds BLRW, and SLW, so who knows! I love all of the Wyandottes, so I'm happy with any hen :)

On another note, our random Light Sussex chick is 2 weeks old, and the wattles are coming in!!!!!
Oh now that I'm looking at it on my office monitor, the colour balance of those pictures is WAY off! They are definitely more blue and red then golden! I didn't recalibrate my monitors when I got my computer back this week!

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