Pilgrim Geese thread

So the older ones are probably going to take a little longer to socialize but the 2 little ones are taking to me pretty quickly. I don't think any of them have ever been outside on grass before. So I put them all outside in bottomless wire cages so they could get some fresh grass. It took them a bit but instinct finally kicked in and they started nibbling the grass. I put the little ones in a horse trough to let them swim. They initially wanted to stay on my hands because they didn't know what in the world was going on but then they stepped off and started swimming. But they would stay right next to my hands. So I walked to the other end of the trough and they followed me. And when I put them on grass outside the cage and away from the older ones they would sit right next to me and then follow me if I got up and moved. When I was reading about different breeds of geese, I learned how social and friendly the Pilgrims are and that's why I chose them. I am seeing just how quickly they adjust and start trusting people. It's very cool.
So as I have sat and watched these geese most of the day, I have been wondering what treat they would like best. I know some of our different chickens like different things so not all geese are going to be the same either, but give me some ideas about what your geese prefer. I know some feed lettuce but what other treats can I spoil them with and make them want to come to me looking for their treats when I walk into the pasture?
So as I have sat and watched these geese most of the day, I have been wondering what treat they would like best. I know some of our different chickens like different things so not all geese are going to be the same either, but give me some ideas about what your geese prefer. I know some feed lettuce but what other treats can I spoil them with and make them want to come to me looking for their treats when I walk into the pasture?
Melon, pears, more lettuce, they love it, apples, mine love the core of pineapples, soft fruits in general are enjoyed...more lettuce...
Alright. I'm gonna try some of that stuff and see what they like best. We have one chicken that loves grapes. She will do her best to get every grape I throw in the pen before the others can get them. I toss them one at a time so they roll down the incline and the birds chase them. I'm easily entertained.
I tried apricot pieces and apples...no go with my little ones. They seem to be lettuce and spinach lovers.

They didn't "go to bed very easy tonight, ugggh had to wrangle them up. I hate for them to feel I am chasing them...even though I slowly walk. :(
Alright. I'm gonna try some of that stuff and see what they like best. We have one chicken that loves grapes. She will do her best to get every grape I throw in the pen before the others can get them. I toss them one at a time so they roll down the incline and the birds chase them. I'm easily entertained.

I tried apricot pieces and apples...no go with my little ones. They seem to be lettuce and spinach lovers.

They didn't "go to bed very easy tonight, ugggh had to wrangle them up. I hate for them to feel I am chasing them...even though I slowly walk.
Geese can take a while to try something different, and then once they discover they like it, they´re away! Lots of folks on here say not to feed spinach, I believe it´s to do with the amount of iron in it, so would be good to check it out first with someone who knows. But lettuce, especially romaine lettuce, is great.
It´s only herding when you don´t panic them.
Wow, thanks! Will stop the spinach! That could explain the very dark droppings (black) that are staining my patio.

Thanks found the heading tip... I think I am doing ok. I guess it's normal to have to herd them. They will want to go a different direction than I want.

They love romain and will stick with it for a bit. Appreciate all the advice!
Wow, thanks! Will stop the spinach! That could explain the very dark droppings (black) that are staining my patio.

Thanks found the heading tip... I think I am doing ok. I guess it's normal to have to herd them. They will want to go a different direction than I want.

They love romain and will stick with it for a bit. Appreciate all the advice!
On herding, as long as they know where you want them to go, they´re normally pretty easy with it. Just walk behind them, then slightly to the right to get them to go left, etc.... But sometimes, if you want them to go to a new place, or one is feeling a bit contrary, you may need to use sticks. sticks are wonderful things. I use 2 10ft bamboo canes and they´ll get my geese pretty well anywhere without them getting into a panic. The important word when working with geese is...'slowly'.
Ok, I have one male that wants to "graze" everyone elses tails. I may have to get me one of those sticks to smack him with. lol He is really doing a number on the two smallest ones.
So is their pen a good size, and on grass? Can´t remember.

Are they different ages? Sometimes older ones do this on little ones, so they´ll need to be divided into two groups if that´s the case.

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