Pilgrim Geese thread

Thank You guys for your help with the angel wing issue. In the little time we had him wrapped, he is already better to the point it's hard to tell which of the geese it was when they are hanging out together. He is so much better. Now, like I said, we have taken them off pellets with any protein. They are now solely on grass during the day with a small bowl of alfalfa in their cage at night. The droopy wings should start getting better, too.

They are really starting to get bold now, too. I noticed them twice today about half way across the pasture. That's the farthest they've gone to date. At least they will be fenced in by the end of the day tomorrow. They will have the run of almost 6 acres. Hopefully there are no crazy weeds that we don't know about that cause harm to geese.

Keep an eye out for flying preds if they are still pretty young. great news about the wing..
Does anyone on this thread, in the Midwest (US), have a nice extra male gosling for sale? Playing with an idea to turn a 2015 quad into a pair (existing), and new trio (girls are June babies). Then I'd have three unrelated groups, which would be nice. Just curious. :)
She´s a challenge! I find mine can´t resist poking at anything in the water...and you´´ve chucked lettuce in her pool, too? Usually their curiosity gets them to nibble.
I have figured out that she will nibble on anything if i am holding it. I try not to give her food from my hands because of the training tips i have read. I dont really think Forest falls into the category of other geese, but just in case. Yes, I have put everything in her water, she ignores the water. FYI. I posted a bunch of new pics on the gosling thread.
I have figured out that she will nibble on anything if i am holding it. I try not to give her food from my hands because of the training tips i have read. I dont really think Forest falls into the category of other geese, but just in case. Yes, I have put everything in her water, she ignores the water. FYI. I posted a bunch of new pics on the gosling thread.
Oh, OK.
As regards her eating from your hand, well that´s great, then, if it gets her to eat. Why not do what we do with dogs... slowly, slowly.. for example, feed her from your hand, but also holding onto, say, a little pot. Slowly, let the food she likes fall into the little pot that you´re holding, let her feed that way for quite a while..days.. then offer the food to her in the pot, while you´re still holding it, etc etc.....
Just got an egg from my girl. Anyone else here ever have late summer/fall eggs from their Pilgrims? I have heard that it does happen sometimes with geese. I haven't heard of Pilgrims doing it specifically so just was wondering.

I am planning on just collecting them and give any eggs to a friend who is going to try hatching them. I have enough geese (this year) and figuring time to lay enough to sit on, then sitting time, by the time they are ready to hatch the weather would be getting colder. I just don't think letting her set on any eggs would be practical. Still its a bit of a surprise seeing it.
Just got an egg from my girl. Anyone else here ever have late summer/fall eggs from their Pilgrims? I have heard that it does happen sometimes with geese. I haven't heard of Pilgrims doing it specifically so just was wondering.

I am planning on just collecting them and give any eggs to a friend who is going to try hatching them. I have enough geese (this year) and figuring time to lay enough to sit on, then sitting time, by the time they are ready to hatch the weather would be getting colder. I just don't think letting her set on any eggs would be practical. Still its a bit of a surprise seeing it.
Mine are all laying eggs now, but it´s the southern hemisphere!!
I´ve not had any lay out of season, but then I leave mine to raise their own, so I suppose they´re always otherwise engaged!
One of our younger males was nearly killed by the others. Apparently during the heavy rains we had they ganged up on him. Due to my job, I sometimes go days without seeing them. But the wife isolated him and he is acting fine but she said his head is messed up. I know they will pick at each other til they bleed but this was nearly fatal for him.
One of our younger males was nearly killed by the others. Apparently during the heavy rains we had they ganged up on him. Due to my job, I sometimes go days without seeing them. But the wife isolated him and he is acting fine but she said his head is messed up. I know they will pick at each other til they bleed but this was nearly fatal for him.
Pick at each other til they bleed? That´s a new one on me. Soundds more like turkeys!

This seems strange. I´ve only had ganders chase each other off during the breeding season, sometimes the females will, but generallythis breed is very flock-inclined.
I wonder whatever started it.

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