Pilgrim Geese thread

Gonna guess embden on #4 (solid yellow=white). I don't see any super long necks or knobs on heads & no tufts...so that knocks out tufteds, chinese & african. They rarely include sebbies because they are so expensive, so not likely any sebbies. The rest would be toulousse, & pilgrim. I don't see any with buff coloring either.
Yeah, I easily ruled out the two tufted goslings, and didn't see any knobs to thin down the candidates. Thanks for the help!
#2 looks like a male pilgrim to me. He looks alot like my little guys, maybe just a tad lighter. As for the rest no clue. Lol but oh my word they are adorable!!!

1, 6 & 7 look the most like toulousse.
Thanks to both of you!

Male or female?
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That's a lot of predators! At least in this part of Minnesota we don't have to deal with bear!

Here's a little patch of Minnesota. It's pretty green here now. Good eating for the ducklings and goslings.I'm not all that hearty. I freeze in the winter! Hopefully the ducks and geese do better than me! Lol
Very pretty and green, I envy those who can grow grass we are so rocky it is hard to get grass established then I have to fence it off from the chickens or they scratch it all up before it has time to get started. So green grass doesn't do so well here my geese have some but nothing like what I am seeing at your place.

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