Pilgrim Geese thread

here is my goose
can you tell me is the gray one a pilgrim or a toulouse because she has a lower under carriage then the white one and is bigger but she is the goose

and just to be shore do females have a lower honking noise than the gander
Even if she is Toulouse or a pilgrim cross yes they can mixbreed. The fact that she is bigger than the gander is a bad sign for purbred pilgrim to me. My pilgrim gandee is about 1/3 bigger than my goose.
ok but if shes bigger it doesnt make her not be able to brred or she will get sick easier does it the man said they are cross but i dnt trust him for any thing he s a bit stupid in the world of geese and also he didnt raise the gees
No reason she should get sick because she's bigger. If the man said they were crossed they prolly are. Her being a little bigger might make the gander work a bit harder but still should breed fine in my opinion.

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