Pilgrim Geese thread

here is my goose can you tell me is the gray one a pilgrim or a toulouse because she has a lower under carriage then the white one and is bigger but she is the goose and just to be shore do females have a lower honking noise than the gander
These are pilgrim/Pilgrim cross
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ok well i dont mind as long as they brred
They will have beautiful gosling together. Look forward to seeing them.
I am the proud owner of a 4 week old Pilgrim gander. (We ordered a pair, but unfortunately she fell sick suddenly and we lost her. We have a replacement on order (straight run, fingers crossed for a female) along with some ducklings. He is such a bundle of energy but a little lonely right now. We give him as much time as possible outside with our ducks (they are all afraid of him) and he spends the night inside with us, at least until he is fully feathered. Does anyone else have problems with their pilgrims eating grower feed? George will only graze and eat greens. He isn't interested in the grower pellets we bought (neither was Martha before we lost her) and will cry until we feed him greens or let him outside. Should I be worried about how much protein he is getting?
I am the proud owner of a 4 week old Pilgrim gander. (We ordered a pair, but unfortunately she fell sick suddenly and we lost her. We have a replacement on order (straight run, fingers crossed for a female) along with some ducklings. He is such a bundle of energy but a little lonely right now. We give him as much time as possible outside with our ducks (they are all afraid of him) and he spends the night inside with us, at least until he is fully feathered. Does anyone else have problems with their pilgrims eating grower feed? George will only graze and eat greens. He isn't interested in the grower pellets we bought (neither was Martha before we lost her) and will cry until we feed him greens or let him outside. Should I be worried about how much protein he is getting?
If he won't eat grower then try giving him protein in other ways. Beans, boiled eggs, nuts. Yeah he does need more than just greens. I've not yet had goslings but never had a duckling or chicken that wouldn't eat grower.
i got a Q 
my 2 geese only eat seed, i give them grass they wont eat, i give them scraps and they still wont eat wha t do i do

Just do your best to feed them a balanced diet. Could you clarify what you mean by seeds? They should be eating grower or layer or at least scratch as their primary food along with scraps on the side.
i got a Q
my 2 geese only eat seed, i give them grass they wont eat, i give them scraps and they still wont eat wha t do i do
What do you mean by seed? Do you know what the previous owner was feeding? If your free ranging them they will begin to try what ever is growing around the property
My Oldest gander was raised with ducks so he never grazed until we got more geese, he still isn't the grazer his mate is but she was brought up on pasture her first 4 months. Before she came here. My 2 youngest graze and they were started on grass too. i think it may depend on how they were started.

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