Pilgrim Geese thread

Oh, okay. I should have read back farther. I just skimmed through the last few posts. We have had a lot going on at our house... A funeral, a wedding, and my sons 7th birthday all within the last 5 days. Not to mention a new puppy! Aaaaah!

I guess, I would have to say wait and see. Time will tell. Can't wait to see some recent pictures. :)
Hmmm... The white one probably isn't a pilgrim. No gray highlights on the tips of its feathers. The other one does like like a female pilgrim but I have a hard time telling them apart from toulhouses... Honestly I'm not sure. I just know pure male Pilgrims have the gray on their wingtips.

See the gray. Both my boys have it.

See the gray. Both my boys have it.
That's why I wanted you to take a look, I thought Pilgrim ganders where pure white. And Pilgrim females have always made me think Toulouse. So we don't know if she has gander and goose or not. Especially since they should have started mating in late winter to early spring.
Now I'm nervously curious as to why Cas (saddle back Pom) laid at 6 months. We weren't expecting anything from her until next season but, she laid a total of 9 eggs at barely 6 months old. Only 5 were "good" eggs though, the others were soft shelled, or otherwise unsalvagable. Is she weird or is it dangerous that she laid early?

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