Pip question


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
C, Arkansas
Is it a pip if the shell isn't competely broken through were it's been pecked? I have one egg that has a small raised spot where the chick has at least pecked it. This is my first hatch, so sorry if this is a dumb question.

it is in the process of pipping alright! yeah!

why would that be a dumb question? if you don't know the answer, you have to ask to learn. you're a smart cookie for asking.
good deal, thanks...I can hear just a faint chirp every now and then if I put my ear up to the top vent hole. I guess I'm going to have to put the video camera on the bator tonight so I can get some sleep...
3 pips this morning (out of 6 eggs) the first to pip last night is starting to zip. I'll be at work all day so I put the video camera on them. Is it normal for the membrane around the piped spot to be a whiteish color? I have my humidity at 61% should I raise it any when I get home?
YAY!! Hope they all hatch!

I find that if I talk to my hatching chickies the get more motivated to move while I am baby talking to them "Come on Chickie, you can do it....get outa there and I will kiss on you forever" LOL They wigggle like mad when I do that. Also, I have found that other chicks will motivate the unhatched to keep at it.

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