pipped egg hatching from pointed ind of egg and bleeding


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 7, 2009
ive been incubating nacked neck/blue andalusian hybrid eggs and i put in two small batches one week apart in my LG incubator. the first batck hatched 100% succsesfull and the second batch is due tomorrow but 3 out of the 4 are already pipped and one of them is pipped from the wrong end and has blood on the membrane around it. i dont know what to do or what caused this.

Please help
i had ta help one pipped like that a week ago the chick is doing great if you help them hatch let them be pipped a while bc they might still be obsorbing yolk, i made sure they had a clear hole to breath out of then started from the back bc i didnt wantt o mess up the belly button area bc they could bleed out ( i had a chick hatch out and kick its cord and it cut it and bled out very sad) if it doesnt seem very successful on its own hatching id help it out
If he's made a hole in the shell he can likely breathe. Is it only the membrane that is bloody, or is blood actually oozing out? A bloody membrane is ok. I wouldn't worry too much, give it time and see what happens. Chicks are pretty resilient.
well its not bleeding anymore and it has a good hole to breath out of so i hope it will be ok
it hatched and is doing good, as are all the rest. i guess it wasnt that big of a deal but since ive never had it happen before it kinda scarred me.

thanks for the advice though

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