Pipped through, beak only


Mar 26, 2021
My father in law wanted me to incubate his grown chicken eggs for fun. - something we did by the seat of our pants and barely any research. Some how, we made it to day 21. Out of 4 eggs, 2 were infertile. 1 has pipped & has made a hole big enough for me to see some black feathers and it's beak is sticking out. It's chirping. I didn't know until today there was such a thing as lock down. The incubator we got on amazon didn't even tell me anything about humidity! I just now addies water to get it to 65%. But after reading I feel I should of done more than that.a why? Because we've already opened the incubator twice since it's pipped! Didn't know we were supposed to. Now I'm filled with guilt and worry that the chick won't hatch. If I let it go 40 hours without intervening will it be ok? I'm not sure at how many hours it's been pipping for already. All I know is as of yesterday morning, there was nothing going on. So worried it will become shrink wrapped. Some help is appreciated!

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