Pitbulls? Don't want to have an incorrect understanding of the breed

Okay, this may be true, but I think the point is that your not gonna bring a puppy home, and it will immediately start trying to kill things. You may get a rescue dog that has a bad past and has been trained (whether intentional or just from its past environment) to attack. As long as you don't let it see itself as the alpha, which you must avoid with all dogs, they are wonderful dogs. Even dogs bred for certain things must have specific training for such. When I go take my labs out to play fetch, they walk right by my ducks without a second thought. They are bred to retrieve them😂. I swear my dogs are half cat though🤣


tell me they wont come home and start doing things?

I couldn't find a video of a APBT puppy showing aggressive tendencies, but its there. Its called ✨ Genetics ✨

tell me they wont come home and start doing things?

I couldn't find a video of a APBT puppy showing aggressive tendencies, but its there. Its called ✨ Genetics ✨
Okay but attacking something of the same breed or someone part of its "pack" is different.

Also, im curious why you are arguing against the pitbull when your profile picture is one😂
I don't mean this as like a snotty sassy little comment im just honestly curious

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