Planning an upgrade

We've had some stretches of colder than we're used to nights, so I decided to make a bucket waterer with horizontal nipples and a deicer. We vented a square bucket, put a nipple on each side, and it's working great!

That's the sort of waterer I use. It's only 1 gallon though so I've been reluctant to put any kind of deicer into something that small.

A 5 gallon bucket is more than I can carry so I'm looking for a suitable container of about 3 gallons.
I use the deep litter method over the winter. Unfortunately, it's cold enough here that it freezes solid instead of composting and providing heat, but oh well. I used a cheap roll of vinyl on the floor. Boy does that make for easy clean up in the spring! I am considering taking down the dairy board I used on the walls and replacing it with vinyl also.

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