Pleas Help If You can


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 1, 2007
how long do chickens live on avg? I have a road island red hen that when she was let out today she just laid down and will only get up if i chase her . she moves a few steps and then lays back down. Anything I can do or is she just old? I thought they lived longer then this. Please tell me anything you can think of. I am going on vacation tomorrow and don't want her to pass away on the lady who will be taking care of her and the rest of my chickens. She as I would be devastated. Thank you for any help Wendy
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more Info. Her Back end is soft and squishy. can anyone please help
thank you i bathed her in warm water and tried to massage her bottom a little it wasn't hard at all just real soft...
Can your caretaker put her in a nice cool place (if it's hot there) so she can get food and water without having to move? it would be the most humane thing to do to at least allow her to have that while you're gone.

Can you get her to come onto this board for you?

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