Please clarify the ovations.


Flock Master
11 Years
Jan 10, 2013
I have been a member over a year, and discussions in an unrelated thread made me wonder if I really understand the ovations.

I thought we were given a set number …forever.. and if you give more than you receive, the nest is empty and you will no longer be able to give ovations?

Or do we get free ones to replenish our ability to give ovations?
As far as I know, there isn't a set number of ovations you can give, forever. I think that there is a daily limit (10, I think, but I've only reached that limit once a while ago). I've never heard that you can run completley out of ones to give.

But, I could be wrong.
You can give 10 ovations in any 24 hour period..if you use up all ten ovations in any given 24 hour period you can give ovations after the initial 24 hours is expired

i.e. 10 per day..forever more...

hope that helps...

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