Please Guys I Need Help With Flies ...what Can I Do

Get a Trap n' Toss fly catcher, it will cut down 1/3 of the flies, or you could get one of those blue light things that kill them when they touch it. the flies are lite this
they go away and come back
I find hanging bundles of aromatic herbs and/or adding them to the bedding makes a world of difference. Lavender, rosemary, oregano, mint, especially chamomile & fennel works wonders-- anything that smells nice, but strong. At a recent pullet selling event, all the other breeder's carriers had flies gathering around; mine filled with lavender as bedding didn't have any. They also repel external parasites.
A few things that work very well:

True vanilla extract soaked into sponges and left in the coop, though it won't help your neighbors.
Food-grade DE added to the coop shavings and to their food - will kill fly larva in poop.
A bug zapper for the evening is also good. Chickens love to eat the dead bodies.

Sifting the poop out each day, if possible replace the shavings each week (not sure what bedding you use).

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