Please help!3- 2-year old EE's not been laying. But, with 1 exception-


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15 Years
Jun 28, 2009
My 3 Easter Egger Hens, a few weeks older that 2 years old, have literally not been laying since 4th of July. They have plenty of food, oyster shells and grit, and their poop seems normal to me. They molted in May, so I figured that would stop them from laying, but they still hven't laid. Well, one of them has. And look what she left me:


Those are compered to a Quarter^^^^

A small Flower


These were next to a normal-sized pen



Then I measured it.
So then I asked my mom if I could eat it, and she said yes. Here's the 'insides':



"Mom, can I still eat it?"

So, please Help!
Oh yeah, I cut the insides open, and I found 2 'blood balls' as they looked like;
A little green thing that looked like poop;
and a lot of gross, spoiled egg whites
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I know a lot of hens egg production drops off after 2 years, maybe they are just past their laying prime? Or since they are older it is taking longer for them to resume laying after their molt? My birds are still pretty young so I don't have any experience with this, hopefully someone else will have some insight for you.
I don't think the molt would have a nearly 4-month effect on them, though
Maybe they're just too old?
I don't think 2 years is really that old, my oldest EEs are over 3yrs and they still lay everyday almost they do slow way down during the molt but don't stop completely although Ive heard that some do. Seems like 4 months of not laying is a long time, but I don't have any idea really how long it takes for a hard molting? I do know that the will stop laying in extreme heat, and it takes alot of water to produce an egg and during extreme heat it takes alot of water to keep them hydrated not even counting the water needed to produce an egg? So hows the weather in your parts because here weve had such hot hot hot weather its a wonder anybody is laying. So it may have started the non laying with the molt then the heat carried it on longer. Other than that I have no clue but Im no expert either so hopefully someone that does know will come along and help ya out more. Sandy
Thanks, It might be the heat. It's been REALLY hot n July, but I don't know 'bout August as I as on Vacation the whole time, LOL

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