Please help 3 Week Old Chick with Toe Injury


10 Years
Jan 23, 2014
Please help! One of my 3 week old Light Sussex chicks has sustained this awful toe injury. It looks like the toenail is hanging off to one side and I'm not sure what that other toenail-shaped part is that's protruding. Is it bone?

I bathed its foot in salt water and applied cornflour to stop the bleeding. Then I wrapped it in some sterile wound tape. It didn't really seem to bleed very much but there was still a very slow, light amount of bleeding going on the last time I was able to get a look at it.

It's just before night time here so the chicks are all settling to sleep now and we've left it in with the others to not cause extra stress. It's resting with the toe fully hidden beneath it at the moment but I'll get up at sunrise to make sure it's not being picked on by the others in the morning. I so hope it makes it through the night.

After treating the wound as best I could, I gave it some scrambled egg before putting it back with the others and it seemed to have a good appetite.

Have I done the right things so far? What else should I do? Is there hope for it to recover? I'm aware that preventing infection is paramount but is there any other potential life threatening aspect of this type of injury that I need to be aware of? I want to make sure I do everything I can.
That's bone sticking out. You need to recap the tip of toe on to the bone. Use antiseptic spray then coat the tip with neosporin. You should wrap the toe to the bone and try to keep it in place. Using half of a toothpick to brace it will help.

Also, wash your hands before you start so your not spreading your own germs to the injury.
That's bone sticking out. You need to recap the tip of toe on to the bone. Use antiseptic spray then coat the tip with neosporin. You should wrap the toe to the bone and try to keep it in place. Using half of a toothpick to brace it will help.

Also, wash your hands before you start so your not spreading your own germs to the injury.
Thank you so much. I don't think Neosporin is available here. I've just tried googling it. Is it an antibiotic cream? If so, any equivalent product would require a prescription here. I have Savlon, which is an antiseptic cream and I also have Cortopin, which is a hydrocortisone steroid cream. Do you think either or both of those would work?
I went head and followed your instructions with the antiseptic and the toothpick. I just used the Savlon for now but I'll check with my pharmacy tomorrow if there's anything else they can give me without a prescription.

When I opened the dressing I had put on previously, I couldn't see the bone anymore and the toenail was sitting on the toe more straight. Could it have recapped itself? I used the antiseptic on it and tried to make sure the tip was covering where I had seen the bone but it was hard to make out. The bleeding had stopped but there was quite a lot of dark coagulated blood there making it more difficult to see. I didn't want to clean that off because I didn't want to start any more fresh bleeding. The splinting seemed to work. I just hope I got everything positioned properly.

Would you advise re-treating it daily or just leave it alone now (unless the dressing falls off)?
The splint I put on last night has fallen off and it seems the toenail and the very tip of the toe have come off as well.

I bathed it in saltwater again and cleaned it again with the antiseptic. Then I dressed it again, this time bringing the tape right up the leg.

The chick is in good spirits, eating, drinking, foraging, preening and generally enjoying being in the garden with the others. I've left her with them because she seems happier, the wound inside is clean and the new dressing is staying in place.

I can't get anything like Neosporin over the counter. I do have a couple of oral antibiotics on hand. I'm sitting with the chicks full time so I can keep a close eye and give them if needed. Otherwise, is there anything else I should do? If there isn't enough skin covering the bone will it be able to heal properly?


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