PLEASE HELP! Baby chicks in danger!?


7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
I'm in need of some help! So I am very new at this, I am taking care of some chickens and I accidentally picked up the eggs from a hens nest thinking they were just regular eggs. I rinsed them because they were dirty. But then I found out that I wasn't supposed to pick them up! I feel like an idiot! As soon as I realized this I ran back and placed them back under the hen. The water that I used to rinse them was not very cold but it also wasn't as warm as their nest. I had them out of the nest no more than 5 minutes. Did I completely screw up and kill those baby chicks? Or is there still hope? For the record I'm not sure how long they have been there. Help!
I'm not experienced myself, but I think there's a good chance those eggs are fine.

I read about hens hatching chicks, that they will leave the nest for a few minutes now and then to eat. So I imagine a 5-minute adventure out of the nest shouldn't hurt them. Especially if the water temperature wasn't extreme.

Good luck, and welcome to BYC.

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