Please help, chick experts!!!! She won't stop crying!

I have also had a few like that.One just died today and he was a constant chirper.I think the ones that did it all had something wrong with them.I had a couple with spraddle leg that chirped constantly they were culled.
Pasty butt is when their poo gets stuck to their bottom blocking the vent so that they get "backed up". You just wash it off, sometimes you have to soak it a bit for it to come off easier.

Just a you think putting a stuffed animal or a t-shirt with our scent on it near her might help? I have used "rice buddies" with other little creatures that were restless or crying for mama. Fill a sock with uncooked white rice and microwave in 15 second intervals until it is warm but not scorching hot. Put near the chick to see if she'll cuddle with it.
Since I am going through this I will vouch for ear plugs and share info:

Stuff animal: 15 seconds quiet.
Squeaky toy Christmas tree: *** expression and 5 minutes quiet time as they drew straws to decide who was going to investigate the scary green thing with red polka dots and a bright yellow round thingy on top.
Rescue remedy: needs to be found again.
Sock buddy: will try
Mirror: need a small one.
Earplugs: priceless.

Results will vary lol
So I picked up a 2 weeks old chick last week to keep another company that has wry neck. I separated her from the others so they wouldn't hurt her. Well this baby thought my 7 week old wry neck was her mama and constantly tried to go underneath her knocking her down everytime. I now have her separated and got another baby to keep the baby company!! She is a ridiculously cuddly chick and wants to be held...she will not stop chirping! My question is do u think it would be safe to put a small towel in with her kinda tented up so she can go in it?
My chick is like this, but he/she was veryyyy lonely. We had to get two more chicks, since the rest haven't arrived, but it didn't really make a difference. I hatched him/her out of an icubator and that whole mama mama mama thing really is true!! He/She only calms down when I'm holding it or it's snuggled up in my hair (which is unfortunate since I'm a busy high school student). I've tried everything, sometimes it's just a fussy chick.
I tried all of these suggestions..I have one of two that does just this!! So...I fed egg yolk (a huge treat) and filled him up. Then snuggled both. Then put him back with the little one...and now they are sleeping I think!

My husband is going to kick them out of the living room if he doesn't stop....

He seems hyperactive for some reason. Tries to get out, jumps at the side of the cage. I had to buy plexiglass to put on the side so he wouldn't escape trying to get to me. But he's so active he won't snuggle, and I have 5 cats just waiting to investigate so we can't just let him run around! He's safe in the cage but out...

Ugh. Glad I'm not the only one.

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