Please help, chick experts!!!! She won't stop crying!

*As a last resort, if the hot mash doesn't work-- you might try a drop of Rescue Remedy or part of a capsule of Happy Traueler. . I've used Happy Traveler on my dog for fireworks terrors. Haven't actually tryed Rescue Remedy yet-- but 4th of July will be here soon enough. . . .
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Cover the cage and put it in a quiet place where the chick can't hear what's going on around it. That is the only thing that calmed my 2 chicks. Every time they heard my voice or saw me walk by they sounded just like yours.
After the last few of your posts Seachick I'm 90% sure you just have a chirper.
Get that brooder in the shed, garage, or barn ready and kick em out.

Mine are going through the "we discovered how to scratch and joust" phase
and throwing pine all over my kitchen. I have 4 isolated picked to death 15
weekers in my nig brooder so I'm stuck with chicks in the kitchen. Plus we
have 28 eggs in the bator on day 11.
Ha- that's too funny, jackmallex, because this chick is just the opposite! She cries when I am NOT around. If I leave the room she cries. If I am on the other side of the room she cries until I wave and talk to her. If I sit right by the brooder she's fine. I don't really get it: she has 5 other friends in there with her! But she's always standing up tall and looking out the brooder for me and crying if she doesn't see me (or probably anyone, we'll have to see what happens when DD and DH get home.)
Thanks PurpleChicken....

Unfortunately it's still SNOWING in Maine right now (grrrr!) so I don't want to put them outside anytime soon. I kind of got used to blocking the noise out today, although as I just mentioned above it's really the worst when i leave the room. Can hear it across the house!

So, um..... does a "chirper" grow up to be a loud-mouth hen, too, do you think??? That'll sure make the decision about which chicks we keep, right there. (we're in a tight suburban neighborhood)!

I think it is bored *less...there is nothing for them to do in your brooder. If you would put some hay and some bedding chips and a stick from outside..they it would have something to district itself. I know this sounds silly, but from watching my chicks (and this is my third set of chicks now) they constantly want to play. My chicks are in an old rabbit hutch..they love to scratch around in the woodshavings, climb on the stick (they like to perch very early) and play with the hay.

This is only my opinion and this might be the only bird who is doing this because it's a smarter one (personality.)
I had to laugh, went thru the same thing with the first three chicks I bought. Had one that cried and cried, and kept the other two awake. They were fed up too.

She just eventually shut up, but the first 3 days it was totally nonstop, all night, all day, no matter we did. Tried it all. Was same as yours, only attention made her shut up. She was healthy, had food, water, was warm enough, was just a "chirper". Wanted me there.

She is now a sweet fairly quiet hen, and a great egg layer. Nothing worked, she just finally started feeling more secure I think, but it took time. Did everything here suggested as well. lol

I know your pain!

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