Please help! Chicken wound from dog :(

Rose hopped out of her room to take a stroll... I let her come outside with Hank and I to get the ducks to bed. She ate some greens and walked back to the door. So cu'ute!
I'm thinking of putting her in the ducks condo before home when she's feeling better, perhaps she train them to go to bed at night so we don't have to chase them to bed. Hahahaha
Rose hopped out of her room to take a stroll... I let her come outside with Hank and I to get the ducks to bed. She ate some greens and walked back to the door. So cu'ute!
I'm thinking of putting her in the ducks condo before home when she's feeling better, perhaps she train them to go to bed at night so we don't have to chase them to bed. Hahahaha
. Lol Rose looks like she is doing great and feeling up to sone light activity and that is good for her. I dont see why some convelecence time with ducks wouldnt be alright just keep an eye on them all. She is just so photogenic! A delight to see.
. Lol Rose looks like she is doing great and feeling up to sone light activity and that is good for her. I dont see why some convelecence time with ducks wouldnt be alright just keep an eye on them all. She is just so photogenic! A delight to see.

OK so I have a question...the vet was telling me about a sugar bandage to help with the infection..what are your thoughts on using a sugar bandage? I know she's a vet and she knows what she's talking about and all but it seems so weird...

"Hey Rose!!! How long you in for?!"

Hahaha. I couldn't resist!
Lawn chairs make a great barricade. (As long as she don't figure out she can hop them. Hahaha)
LOL What a great looking flock. I suspect she is going to reintegrate pretty well once she is fully ready for it. You do have a knack for catching these 'kodak' moments. It is always a treat to see those chickens of yours. or honey on a bleeding wound may cause it to bleed even more because they may interfere with the clotting process. To summarize I would use Grade A unadulterated honey over sugar. It does cost more obviously but simply googling honey as topical for wounds will get you a HUGE amount of hits from respected medical sites. You can probably get honey produced locally with ease if you live in the country. If you have any further questions, I'm your man.
Ok, so her wound is no longer bloody from what I could see yesterday...she told me to put the sugar on the buck mountain wound stuff so it will stick to her bandage. Can I send you a picture of her wound via pm when I get back...maybe the buck mountain stuff will suffice on it's own? I'm at the store getting her bandages now. I don't know of a place where I can get unadulterated honey and I suppose store bought honey will not be the best...
LOL What a great looking flock. I suspect she is going to reintegrate pretty well once she is fully ready for it. You do have a knack for catching these 'kodak' moments. It is always a treat to see those chickens of yours. or honey on a bleeding wound may cause it to bleed even more because they may interfere with the clotting process. To summarize I would use Grade A unadulterated honey over sugar. It does cost more obviously but simply googling honey as topical for wounds will get you a HUGE amount of hits from respected medical sites. You can probably get honey produced locally with ease if you live in the country. If you have any further questions, I'm your man.
Ok. I found unfiltered honey, I hope this will do the trick. If not, we'll have to take a road trip to the Co op tomorrow.
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Ok, so her wound is no longer bloody from what I could see yesterday...she told me to put the sugar on the buck mountain wound stuff so it will stick to her bandage. Can I send you a picture of her wound via pm when I get back...maybe the buck mountain stuff will suffice on it's own? I'm at the store getting her bandages now. I don't know of a place where I can get unadulterated honey and I suppose store bought honey will not be the best...

You can PM me any time day or night, no need to ask. That honey should do just fine for your purposes. All natural 100% honey is what you want, raw and unflavored unscented.
   You can PM me any time day or night, no need to ask. That honey should do just fine for your purposes. All natural 100% honey is what you want, raw and unflavored unscented.

Thank you! PM's sent. Look at this!!! I didn't expect the others to be nice to her after almost a week of separation but Dorothy(the 5 oldest are named after the golden girls..haha) came around the corner and ate watermelon with her! ♡ A minute after I took this she went for her butt(didn't get her) so in the house we went.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to swing by and give an update on Rose. She had surgery last Tuesday (they had to debrine the bad side and suture her vent) and she's doing awesome! Her feathers are starting to come in and the dead skin is starting to pull away from the new skin. She rode along for Hanks (our Border collie mix aka their papa. Hahaha) wellness visit yesterday since they have the same doctor and she said "she's healing beautifully!". She's still in the house until the bad side heals up more but I bring her out everyday for 2 hours and the other girls seem to be happy to see her since there's no fighting. Here she is with Dorothy yesterday :)
Anyways, I just wanted to update those of you that have been following this thread. :D Thanks again for the support and kind words. Also, those of you that are coming here in a panic after an attack....There's hope!!!
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