please help :( first time. male or female?


May 6, 2015
pittsburgh, PA
Both of their feet look the same. The darker one (nugget) stands taller and has a small white dot on its head. The lighter colored on (little) has longer tail feathers and has a larger white spot on its head. I'm so confused
Welcome to BYC!

First off, pictures would be good if you can post them.

How old are the chicks?

Do you know their breed?

As much information as you can provide will help with identification.:D
Pictures would definitely help. You can try to determine sex a few ways depending on age. Day old chicks you can wing sex, about a month old the Roos will start getting red combs and wattles.
I tried to add pictures but it didn't work... let me try again.
Thanks for getting back to me so fast! You are all so nice and very helpful on here!
Once you get some photos posted, I'll be happy to help sex your chicks.
So will I.

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