PLEASE HELP, hen with impacted crop


Jan 1, 2022
My leghorn hen was acting lethargic yesterday afternoon so I let her sleep to see how she was this morning. She was still very lethargic and would not eat. I noticed her crop was still full and usually it would be digested by then. I made the conclusion she had an impacted crop and she had been free roaming the day I noticed she was acting off. I gave her probiotic water, and massaged her crop. I was going to give her vegetable oil or olive oil but some online sources said it was not good for their digestive system which makes sense. I also watched how people would hold them upside down to force them to throw up. Although I was scared I had no other option but to try, all that came out was a small amount of brown liquid. The hen is miserable and I’m very stressed on what to do with her. I feel I am somehow only making things worse. The only options I could think of are bringing her to an avian vet 2 hours away or ending her suffering by culling her. If anyone has any ideas on what to do I would appreciate it.

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