Please help I don’t know what’s wrong with my hen is she sick?

Hi another update, I am 99% sure that she is egg bound, so I’m treating her for that currently but I would really appreciate any more advice or suggestions anyone has
If you believe she is egg bound, give her a calcium tablet, whatever you have on hand. It will help stimulate contractions.
Is there anyway you recommend me to give it to her, because she hasn’t been eating and for what I’ve seen she has t been drinking either
Pick her up with your arm confining her wings and pry open her beak and shove the pill in. Most chickens will not willingly eat a pill off your hand. Don't worry. She won't choke on it.
Pick her up with your arm confining her wings and pry open her beak and shove the pill in. Most chickens will not willingly eat a pill off your hand. Don't worry. She won't choke on it.
Okay thank you so much for the help I’m really hoping she comes through. I really feel like I souls have realized what was wrong sooner.
Is your hen doing better?
Yes thank you so much for asking, I’ve been able to put her back with the flock. After putting water down her throat and some epsom salt baths she started walking around again and then I reintroduced her. At first she had problems eating but she’s now good as new. I don’t know what was really wrong with her, she never gave me an egg but maybe she was just constapsted

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