Please help! I don't know what to do.. my chicken are too aggressive to each other..


5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
I have 3 chickens in my flock and they are too aggressive to each other..biting and fighting and such.. It even comes to blood in some cases.. I don't know what to do and I want to bring more and make my flock bigger but they are too aggressive for it... PLEASE HELP ME!

If you want pic's of my flock and their place just say and I'll upload.
What breed are they (some breeds are more aggressive that others)
I'm not sure of your current housing, but I know with mine when I have to keep them locked up in their pens during the school/workday they will go after each other, but once they are let out of their pens they are happy and no longer going after each other (I'm working on a bigger pen or a separate one for the mellow ones so that get beat up by the not so mellow ones)
What breed are they (some breeds are more aggressive that others)
I'm not sure of your current housing, but I know with mine when I have to keep them locked up in their pens during the school/workday they will go after each other, but once they are let out of their pens they are happy and no longer going after each other (I'm working on a bigger pen or a separate one for the mellow ones so that get beat up by the not so mellow ones)
Hey, thanks for response.
I have a small place for the to sleep and a huge run.. I live in Israel and here they called Arabic Chicken... I can upload a photo if you want.
And, we open them every morning as we wake up then go to school and in the evening when they are in we close them again..
Interesting, they have space to run around, but they would rather go after each other.
I live northeast US and what I do in the morning is throw some table scrapes (all the bruises and bad spots on the fruit and veggies work) or even weeds from the gardens.
Don't know if this might be a reason, but they maybe going after each other because they weren't raised together as chicks. I have notice that each clutch would rather be with the rest of the others that they were raised with. (with the exception of the silkies, "hey you look funny want to be friends?" "yeah you look funny also, being friends sounds like a good idea")

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