Please help, I don't want to screw this up!


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
White Lake, Michigan
I'm trying to learn about the feeding of ducks and geese before my eggs hatch and I'm very confused.

From what I do know, is that when they first hatch, they need starter food. Is this the right one for ducks and geese ...

Also, in this package comes grow gel and grit. Do I offer the starter crumble and grow gel at the same time?

What is grit and where do I put it?

Do I need to add vitamins to the water? IF so, which kind?

How long do I feed this starter food and grow gel?

Is this what I feed after the starter food...

If I'm supposed to add vitamins to the water as babies, do I still put it in for the adults?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm trying to gain the knowledge before they hatch so I am prepared.

Also, what medications should be always on hand? What are some typical illnesses that occur in young ducklings and geese?

Thank you in advance for any information you can help me with!
I've heard of gro-gel but that is all i know about it, never used it.

Here is a good sticky that should aid you.

If you can find a duck starter, that would be best but it's not always possible, if you have to rely on chicken starter you will need added niacin, there is info on this in the above sticky.

I would also recommend, Storey's guide to ducks as a good reference. Grit is usually good to offer when your ducklings are eating anything beyond their staple feeds.(treats, grains etc)

Some will keep poultry vitamins on hand, basic medication wise? i keep Vaseline and i have wound powders. I am sure others have other things this will vary, i keep larger livestock so have some things that can be crossed over.

Welcome to ducks!
Thank you for the link, it is very helpful! I have decided to buy this food....

It's duckling starter It's organic, unmedicated duckling starter feed for ducklings 0-4 weeks. There is Niacin in the ingredients, so do I need to supplement Niacin in the water as well?

So, just to confirm, no grit until they start having treats, greens and such? Where do I put the grit when I do start giving it to them?
Thank you for the link, it is very helpful! I have decided to buy this food....

It's duckling starter It's organic, unmedicated duckling starter feed for ducklings 0-4 weeks. There is Niacin in the ingredients, so do I need to supplement Niacin in the water as well?

So, just to confirm, no grit until they start having treats, greens and such? Where do I put the grit when I do start giving it to them?
You most likely will not need extra niacin since you will be feeding duckling feed. grit can be placed in a separate bowl or sprinkled on the floor of the brooder. Good luck and look forward to seeing babies when you get them. and

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