please help id my parents (and maybe gender)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 23, 2011
Northern Virginia
I hatched out 9 chicks from my little flock about 3 weeks ago. I did ask about one of these guys already, but as the chicks are growing out, I'm unsure again.

Possible fathers are
- black australorp x dark cornish - he only shows the pretty beetle black plumage, although he is broad like a cornish
- lavender bantam cochin - he is the head rooster, leg feathering is poor.

possible mothers are
- black australorp x dark cornish
- barred rock
- columbian rock (not pure, she is a hatchery bird so she is probably a columbian rock x RIR)
- buff orpington

OK, these are some of my chicks. Aside from these 3 "types", I have one yellow chick with 2 black spots on it's head. That one was too rascally to get a photo.

Chick 1 - this guy is a "triplet", although the other 2 have dark shanks. Without looking at the legs, you couldn't tell them apart. These are a little smaller than the other standards, and are about the same size as my largest bantam cochins I'm also brooding.

This guy is a "quadruplet". They all have similar markings, legs and beaks. 2 are ginormous, 2 are about right for a standard.

final chick, I'm going to guess the mother is the barred rock. Is this chick a boy?

Well, I think that is about it. I really appreciate any help IDing these birds.
columbian rock for the first one? hmm, I guess I assumed the columbian markings would have a base of white, but with the dk cornish mixed in, it would make sense.

The chick in the middle (and it's duplicates) also tend toward australorp in temperament. very quiet and more gentle than a few others.

If the 3rd chick had a solid black (but probably carrying columbian) rooster and a barred rock mother, does that mean it's a boy?

Thanks so much!

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