Please help identify jersey giant or americana


In the Brooder
May 12, 2020

hard to get pics of this little one (shy)
3 weeks old on Friday.
so I’ve always just had RIR pullets/Roos, but I’ve decided to try some other breeds.
so I ordered a bunch of golden comets (which i now ADORE) And
2 black jersey giants
2 americana
2 black barred rocks
I had 2 black chicks die in the first day (I suspect they were just weak or genetic reasons) but idk which Breed they were that died... I knwo it wasn’t a Golden comet or RIR (bc they were black)
And I can’t figure out if this one is one of my jersey giants or if he’s An americana... if it’s not a jersey giant I’m going to go ahead and order a few more because that’s what I really wanted.

now this one I know is an americana because from the moment I saw him put him/her in my tote I was in love lol! (If anyone has a guess on pullet/roo id love to know lol!)

And I’m sure that these are my barred rocks ⬇️


(ignore my mess I was cleaning out their cages and tweety and teddy (my daughters ducks) were wanting to be petted and were making a fuss and mess over not getting attention 😂)
Thanks in advance for any help!
1st pic: Jersey Giant.
2nd pic: Easter Egger.
3rd pic: NOT a Barred Rock. Probably an EE.
4th pic: Barred Rock.
This was super helpful thank you! I’m not used to anything but RIR so I appreciate you correcting me so I know.
so the guy sold me EE as americanas? That’s lame. Is there a big difference?
This was super helpful thank you! I’m not used to anything but RIR so I appreciate you correcting me so I know.
so the guy sold me EE as americanas? That’s lame. Is there a big difference?
Not really. EEs are either below-standard Ameraucanas or Ameraucana mixes. Usually the latter. They will lay (most likely) blue or green eggs.

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