Please help, Lethargic Chick, White Mucous Droppings

@BastyPutt Thank you yet again for your information. I have read several sources that point towards fermenting being an excellent natural way of boosting their bodies. I have realized that I've been doing it all wrong, and haven't been allowing the process to reach it's full potential at the 3 day mark. I have been giving the girls "mash" that has only been allowed to soak in water for up to about 10 hours; and the girls go crazy for it. I also have only done ACV water for them for 5 days which was almost 2 weeks ago, but I will certainly begin to offer it to them much more, as well as have 3 jars set up for the fermenting process, and will be doing it right from now on!

As for the milk, that is very curious information, although I'd always heard of the health benefits stemming from goat's milk. Additionally, I haven't included lactose milk in my household for a little over a year now, only offering lactose-free and almond milk. We are trying to become ever more natural and self-sustaining, the best we can learn how. Thank you for your knowledge,

@Wyorp Rock Thank you for the correction and I did look at several sources to make sure I would be dosing accurately. I am curious though, is it normal that the chick may be dealing with the issues on her own? She is completely back to normal today, as well as her droppings; they look phenomenal compared to yesterday. This was the same instance late last week: she had one off day, then great the next. Could it be a possibility that it isn't Cocciodosis? I am a little fearful of introducing a chemical to the chicks if there not be a reason to. Obviously the reason would be to save her sweet little life, but at what cost if I treat all of them when there aren't clear indications?

I don't mean to be a brat, as I have no experience whatsoever, only as far as thorough internet research has gotten me, but I do wish to treat the chicks as I do my own children whom also do not receive chemicals in the form of medication. I sincerely appreciate any and all information that comes my way and I appreciate your time.
I did look at several sources to make sure I would be dosing accurately.
I'm sorry about this one. I'm not a baker and it shows.
I have realized that I've been doing it all wrong, and haven't been allowing the process to reach it's full potential at the 3 day mark
You can ferment in individual buckets, or you can keep one "mother bucket" that you just keep filling with food or grain. The catch is you need to be very vigilant with making sure whatever you have in there is always covered with water. You can't let it soak up all the liquid and become dry. If you don't have it constantly covered with water, it can grow mold, then you've got a real problem on your hands.

Hoping the best for your chickens đź‘Ť

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