please help me (after a cull)

Well I know you feel bad but as a farm child I will tell you right now you saved that bird from a life of suffering. I know it sounds hard but you did the right thing. Hang in there

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Everyone, thank you so much for all the kind words and also words of experience. I think I was so lucky with my first hatch, this one was more challenging. I guess you have to know that going in, though, right? And I suppose each experience helps me grow more as a person and chicken lover. Cyn, thanks for sharing your experience. That's exactly how I felt, as well. And I really wasn't thinking about culling until I saw the big tuft that was taken out of its back. That's when I realized this was probably going to be an issue.

Thanks again for the support. That was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Thank you all for being there for me.
I think it shows that you really do care about your chicks. Having the strength to put the deformed chick out of its misery, and potentially hard life, shows the true content of your character. I'm sorry you feel bad about it, but you will feel better about it in time. Hang in there!
I agree with everyone else.

I'm a firm believer in the fact that if we have pets or animals in our care, it's not only our responsibility to love them and care for them properly, but it's also up to us to end their suffering when the time is right. The time was right. You saved that chick from the horror it would have gone thru WHEN...the others started to pick on it and kill it. It would have been a slow painful terrifying death.

What you did was an act of loving mercy and you did the absolute right thing. I know it's very difficult, but you thought of the chick and not yourself. For that you should have no guilt and you should be very proud of yourself for being a good chick-mom!!
I'm sure all of us will have to cull a chick or chicken if we stay with this hobby long enough. I have a hen in the garage that I've separated from the flock- and I don't know what her future holds. All I know is that I would rather end her life than have her suffer. You did the right thing. We're here to help you through it. Take care.

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