please help me determine the gender of my chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
Gilbert, AZ
I'm new to raising chickens. We got our first flock 5 weeks ago. We have 5 chickens each a different breed. We can't have a rooster so am hoping for 5 pullets.
Here is our BO s/he is about 6-8 weeks:




here is our 6-8 week wheaten ameracauna:



our 5 week black cooper maran :



our 5 week BSL-which I know is a pullet:


our 5 week Barred Rock, which is a lot smaller than the others



These are my recent pictures from this morning.
Thanks for your input!
Hmm.. Your BO is a pullet, Your ameracauna is a pullet, and I have really no clue about your BR. Maybe a rooster since it hasn't grown out all its feathers, but it's hard to identify the sex of it. If I could have a closer picture maybe it will be easier to tell the sex.
The first BO looks like a cockerel to me. The rest of the pictures aren't close enough on the profile of the head. The reason I am guessing cockerel is that I can see waddles appearing already in pic #4.

Put your hand in the cage and the ones that charge or stick their necks up high every time you come around are most likely cockerels from my (limited) experience. Look for thick legs, taller combs (don't see any in pics) and waddles appearing. With my BO's the pullets didn't show waddles for a long time, but they appeared in cockerels after 4 weeks--as did a redder comb.
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The first BO looks like a cockerel to me. The rest of the pictures aren't close enough on the profile of the head. The reason I am guessing cockerel is that I can see waddles appearing already.

Im not sure. I have a roo that age, and his comb is big and his waddle are large and round. I have seen pullets with small waddle development at that age.
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Im not sure. I have a roo that age, and his comb is big and his waddle are large and round. I have seen pullets with small waddle development at that age.

To be clear, I am not 100% sure either because I would also expect the comb to be larger. But it does appear to be reddening around the edges a bit I think. So my guess is cockerel.

My avatar is a RIR cockerel that is probably a couple weeks older. His comb is bigger, but you can see similar waddle development I think. I never even noticed when the waddles started on the pullets because it took so long.
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Thanks for your responses. I'll take closer pics tomorrow to post. Happy to hear the Ameracauna is a pullet and it is an Ameracauna. We got the BO,BCM and the Ameracauna from a farm that didn't sex and the others from a local feed store whose chicks were sexed. We are afraid that the BO is a cockeral based on the comb and waddle development and the darker pink color. But we're holding out hope.
My BO looked just like that. She had a full blown comb and wattles and if it wasn't for me actually catching her laying an egg I'd have though she was a rooster for sure.
Thanks for your responses. I'll take closer pics tomorrow to post. Happy to hear the Ameracauna is a pullet and it is an Ameracauna. We got the BO,BCM and the Ameracauna from a farm that didn't sex and the others from a local feed store whose chicks were sexed. We are afraid that the BO is a cockeral based on the comb and waddle development and the darker pink color. But we're holding out hope.

I just did a quick search, and apparently it is fairly common for BO pullets to develop waddles early on. Mine didn't but mine were mixed with RIR, and we're extremely easy to sex by 4 weeks. So don't be discouraged. But do get better pics, and watch for ones that stick their neck high all the time, and appear overly interested or friendly.

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