Please help me identify my duck


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
Clackamas, Oregon
My wife and I found an abandoned duckling yesterday all alone and can't seem to figure out what kind of duck it is....we think it's a mallard but are not sure. It looks like a Mallard or Rouen but light collored on the back of it's neck and orange and black feet

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I don't have a clue! Very splotchy in his colouring both on his body and his feet. Here you see 2 wood ducks on the left and one mallard on the right. Both varieties have a more solid head and back than yours and do not have as much yellow on their legs/feet. Also, their bills are dark. Can't wait to hear what he is. Was he on the road?
Its not a Rouen or Mallard... I dont think it is a scovie.... might be across. Im tempted to say ancona but thats just cus ive had them in my head for the past week. Good luck!

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